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Harry was alone, walking down a corridor, it would be one of the few times he would remember doing this. "Harry!" He heard someone whisper his name so he looked around and noticed a figure, stood in the shadows, beckoning him to come closer so he did. It was a man, ravaged by time; his greying hair was wearing a bit thin and he was slightly hunched. His sad eyes seemed to plead Harry for help then he spoke "I'm what happens to you in thirty years, if you go down this path," he didn't look 45, he looked about 65. Harry looked confused so Harry continued. "Things don't work out with Ginny and she turns everyone you know against you," Harry didn't believe this, which Harry noticed so he produced the vial and poured it into Harry's head. Harry winced in emotional pain - the memories were too much for him, he hadn't experienced them yet but he felt them. "I charmed them for whenever you look at Ginny, you will see have the memories again but if you look at Hermione, they will disappear," Harry didn't want to become this evil husk of a man so he asked what he had to do. "The first step is to give this love potion to Hermione during the summer of 1998, until then events must pan out exactly the same," Harry said pulling out the Amortentia. "Why Hermione?" Harry asked. "Who she will love is a seesaw between you and Ron, this will tip it over to you, the second step will take place just before your 30th birthday: brew the most powerful love potion you know and extract the memories that I gave you, step three will take place on your 30th birthday: you will use this time turner to return to this point and have this conversation. Harry took a moment to take all of this in. "But surely this will destroy this version of you," "I don't care! I don't want to remain in this husk of an existence. Harry handed over the time turner and faded away, knowing his task was complete. Harry wasn't quite sure what to make of this before continuing with his day.

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