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Please God, don't let it be true.

Please, please, please, please.

I rocked back and forth as a fresh round of tears poured down my face. 

I promise I'll stop being so snobby,

Just please don't take her away from me...

Adrianno paced back and forth up and down the corridor feverishly running his hands through his hair. He should have been coming home from football practice by now. He would have thrown himself on the bed and Rosa would have yelled at him about keeping the place clean-

My heart felt like it was being stabbed repeatedly as the thought of her came to mind. I started biting my nails feverishly, cutting away at the cuticles. 

I should've stayed with her. Whatever happened happened because I wasn't there...

I cradled my head in my hands, needing the pounding to go away. 

Please save her, please. She's all we have left,

I can't lose her.

Adrianno stopped pacing for a moment to look at me, then sat down right beside me as I lay my head on his shoulder. A wave of sorrow washed over me as I recollected the memories of five years ago; we were waiting in the same spot, hoping for the same thing.

"You're going to be alright, okay Mari?" Adri gently whispered into my ear. He said the same thing last time, but this time he was more angry at himself than anyone else. His cold blue eyes grew dark in resentment as he stared down at the ground. 

FInally, the doctor arrived, a sullen look on his face. 


Adrianno was the first one to his feet, surprising both the doctor and I with his speed. 

"Well?" He asked after moments of hesitation. The doctor pulled out his cliboard and surveyed the notes. I got up and slipped my fingers through Adri's. 

"Ms. Cruz had sever bleeding and hemorrhage in her brain. We operated and were able to relieve some of the brain pressure..."


"But people with head injuries this bad have an extremely bad survival rate. Her heart has stopped twice; fortunately we were able to revive her twice. But at this rate, we don't think she's waking up from her coma."

"So what now?" Adrianno nearly screamed, the vein in his neck throbbing. 

It took a longer time for me to process the words then for him to actually say it. 

"I think it's best if you all say your goodbyes now; we don't think she's surviving the rest of the night." The doctor put on his best apologetic face and I stared down at the floor. Adrianno's jaw tightened and he turned on his heels, ready to destroy the first thing he can get his hands on. 

No, it isn't true. She's going to be alright, Rosa is the strongest person I know. Please don't take her from me.

I took out my phone as I heard the ringtone chirp.

"Hello?" Neymar answered the phone. I coudn't even get the words to come to my lips; saying it would mean that it was true and as much as I knew it was; I couldn't let it be true. 

"Mariannai! Have you seen Rosa? She stormed out of the house today and I've called her like a thousand times."

I nearly dropped the phone to the floor and clenched my jaw in both hurt and panic; Adrianno was going to raise hell on Earth when he figured out that he wasn't the person that Rosa saw last. Someone else was entirely responsible...

"Y-yes," I stammered. "I-I need you down at the hospital."

"Marianna, what is going on?" I could almost heat the worry behind his words. I knew bringing him here would only make Adrianno angrier, but this was my best bet. 

"Rosa is dying, Ney."


A/N: Here is a preview for the next chapter I'm going to be busy for the next couple of days (possible weeks-who knows). 

So I decided to give a much-asked for preview for you all,

And I decided not to make the ending as tragic as I originally planned (call it having a heart). 

But it will still be 92% as tragic,  (doesn't mean I don't have a soul-watching El Clasico today put me in a bad mood so I'm out for vengeance right now).

And also because I don't believe in happy endings (well, I should say not PERFECT ending but whatever)

But anyways, enjoy that incredibly small preview I gave and just be hopeful because I will most definetely post the final two-three chapters!!!

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