A Little More Info. . .

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Okay, Hi! First of all, I'd like to thank each and every one of you guys who have picked on this story! (I personally think it won't be a lot of people who look at this, but oh well.)

  Now, you might still be confused a bit about how this works! Let me explain! I, (Forgetting my username) Arashi♡Ren, will write out a few basic scenes for the first few chapters.

The first few chapters will be these types of scenes: |

1) How to Write a Tension Scene.

2) How to Write a Grief Scene.

3) How to Write a Victory Scene.

Now, in example, for Chapter 1 (Writing a Tension Scene) I'll do some tips to keep in mind at the beginning, and then I'll write out a scene in example! [Names and plots probably will be random, fyi.] Does that make sense?

If not, ask in the comments, and I'll answer to my best ability!

Now, after the first few chapters, I will be taking Req- Writes.
Aka, Request writes.

If you don't know how you should approach the scene you so want to write, and are at a lost, well, Maybe I can help!! Give me, like, the basis of what's happening, I'll come up with replacement names, and Tada!!~

I'll give a written example of things (to keep in mind), and yeah! But you do NOT have to accept it! I'm just a suggestion and advice giver! Not a forcer! It's 100% up to YOU!!


    If anyone has anymore questions, I'd be more than happy to help.

That's all for now, so:

Kate: "I've got a WAR to stop!!"

Deni: "She only took a bite of your donut. It's no big deal."

Kate: *Gasps* "NO BIG DEAL??! My Life is on the line here!! Think if the cinnabuns, Deni! Think of the cinnabuns!"

I roll my eyes.

Arashi♡Ren: "Bye guys!!"

*A spork flies past my head*

Arashi♡Ren: "Woah--! What the?!"

Kate: [Distant] The Cinnabuns!!!


□_□ /

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 31, 2019 ⏰

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