Chapter 2

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*Not Edited*
DISCLAIMER I did not do sufficient research for her condition therefore I am making things up, and I am not accurate to what would entail in Evelia's situation.


My consciousness slowly comes back to me as I regain the feeling in my arms and legs. I no longer feel pain I just feel numb. My eyes refuse to open and my limbs disobey my orders to move. My ears catch the sound of a machine beeping. A second later I hear the sounds of hastened footsteps and someone sniffling. I try harder to open my eyes realizing that there are people in the room with me. I finally succeed after a few minutes of struggling. The first thing I see is the color white, it's too bright for my eyes so I quickly shut them again. I use all my strength to turn my head towards the side which elicits a gasp from next to me.

"Caden!? What is it, what happened!?"
"She... she... moved!" Caden exclaims. I hastily open my eyes to see my mom, dad, and brother all staring at me with wide eyes. My mother starts to sob thanking the moon goddess. My dad rushes towards me, but stops right at my bed. He takes my face into his hands, his eyes welling up with tears. "I can't believe it, you've been out cold for hours, it's nearly midnight. But now you're awake, I'm so glad." I want to say something I really do, but I can't find the right words to say... and, I have an oxygen mask on my face. What a mood killer.

The door then slams open drawing my attention toward the woman entering with anger radiating off of her. I attempt to smile at the sight of my elder sister and her family, I haven't seen her in over a week and I've really missed her. Layla storms up to my bedside while her husband and mate, Viole (V-ol) follows behind her with an equally fierce expression. Though it doesn't look as intimidating while he's holding his one year old daughter, Emmaline. Layla's eyes soften when they land on my form. Although the fiery rage returns just as quickly as it left.

"Evelia!" (Eh-vel-lee-yuh) "Tell me, who did this to you?" I let out a breath considering what I should say. Obviously I can't try and say someone didn't do this to me. I'm in the hospital with at least multiple fractured ribs. I don't want to tell the truth though, that would create more problems for me in the future. Kaylin is the daughter of a high ranking pack warrior. Mentioning her name will only create a rift between my father and her mother, this will lead to disharmony within the pack. I have to avoid this at all costs. I may not be loved by the pack, but it's my family's home. My family loves the pack therefore I will protect the pack to the best of my abilities.

"Evie can't answer you right now L, can't you see her oxygen mask?" Caden says before Layla could begin to interrogate me more thoroughly. Layla raises a single eyebrow while crossing her arms, "So you want to let those fuckers who hurt her be free while Evie is lying in a fucking hospital bed!?" I hear the sound of four dangerously ferocious growls ring throughout the room. Everyone but Layla and Emmy, whose ears were being covered, growled at her statement, sending a surge of pride and love through me.

"Obviously that's not going to happen", my mother grits out. "But we have to at least wait for her to be able to speak. Evie has four fractured ribs, a broken shin, and hand, plus various bruises. The bruises and broken shin and hand will heal in another hour or two." The perks of being a shifter, rapid healing. I internally grin thankful that I was born a Lanale's daughter, because if not for that I would have healed much slower than I am now. "The problem is her fractured ribs, they have turned into a flail chest, and have punctured her lungs." Wait, wait, what! I have a punctured lung!? Isn't that serious?

My heart starts to race causing the machine I was hooked up to beep like crazy. My mom turns to me with wide eyes. "Oh jeez I didn't mean to freak you out dear. You'll be perfectly fine. We got you to the hospital in time, and now you're not breathing unevenly. You're chest isn't caving in anymore." Mom says cheerfully. "You should make a full recovery in a day or two. " I sigh a breath of relief. Turning back to face Layla she continues, "The issue is that at until then she won't be able to speak."

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