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Arin's POV.

I opened my laptop slowly, logging onto twitter. I immediately saw my notifications with the 20+ sign, confused I clicked on the notification bar and read "296 new mentions". What the hell could've happened? I clicked it and scanned through my mentions. Lots of capital letters and questions marks and exclamation points. Upon further investigation I noticed that a verified account had followed me. Michael Clifford. After following him and I learned he plays guitar and sings in a band called 5 Seconds of Summer. Not sure why he would follow me. Maybe I do. I'm a model. Well, beginning. Only being 17 and done a few shots. I've modeled American Apparel once and that's about it. I have a lot of followers on Instagram which falsely inflates my ego. I decide to direct message him, which may or may not be a good idea. I'll find out I suppose. "Hey. Your fans are quite crazy haha. Thanks for the follow :)" I hit send and laugh lightly to myself. I look at my clock and see that its about 11 pm. I have another shoot tomorrow for new head shots so I decide to head to bed. I close my laptop and sigh softly.

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