15- Ex and Bully

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I happily skipped to school the next day with just Hanakō. I asked for us to walk to school and Osorō and I to walk home alone as I promised the other five I'll find ways to hang out with them. I know I hang out with Amao after school every day and I smiled as I slowed down for Hanakō to catch up. He smiled and hugged me as he nuzzled his head in my stomach.

"Excuse me. I hope we aren't disturbing anything but we need help." A group of people said and we looked behind us. There's was a group of five with three girls and two males. We nodded and got to the school. "What is it?" "Well, we're new here and needed help with the school." One of the male's said and we nodded. "Hanakō, I'm going to see if I can show them around myself." He seemed disappointed for a second but then nodded. "Then I'm going to hang out with my sister!" He smiled again and left and I saw one of the girls blushing. "Alright, let me change my shoes then follow me to the principals office." I said and they nodded as I quickly changed my shoes. "Alright, follow me." I went to the principal's office and knocked on the door.

"Yes?" "It's (Y/n), there's five new kids here and I wanted to know if I could show them around." "Come in, I want to make sure they're the five." I opened the door and they stepped in. He nodded after examining each of them and saw them in the school uniforms. "It is you. Go on Miss Aishi." I nodded and bowed before leaving.

After showing them around

"Thank you. We're sorry, we never introduced ourselves." A female said and I seemed surprised. "Ah, my apologies, I'm (Y/n) Aishi." "My name is Shelby Kiroko." "James Star." "Dice Kagime." "Rose Hiroto." "June Kagimine." I nodded to them and hand a hard time placing my finger where I heard the male's names. "Alright, well, we all need to head to class. Do you know where they are?" They each nodded and I nodded as I was heading away.


I smiled to Aso when I walked out and he smiled to me as he saw me in the swimsuit since we were still swimming. "I'd much rather be running right now." I muttered as the teacher said that we'd be playing water dodgeball. I saw Rose by the pool and she blushed when she saw Aso. "So then, good luck." "Oh that's helpful Aso." I said and he smiled to me. "I know, I'll try to not hit you too hard." I puffed out my cheeks as we started. Asu was next to me and smiled to me.

"Let's get my brother out." "I'll try to help." I said and she nodded while getting two dodgeballs. She gave one to me and I noticed Aso aim for some other people while we moved to the back. "Alright, can you try to aim for him and while he's busy being distracted, I'll hit him?" I nodded as she pulled me to the front. When I saw Aso, I aimed the ball and he got ready, not seeing Asu on the other side. "You really want to do this?" I nodded to him and saw him smirk. I threw the ball and luckily the ball was a relatively hard throw. He still managed to catch it but got hit by Asu in the back. He turned around and saw Asu and just sighed as he dropped my ball and we both got out.

"Good throw but next time, don't distract me." "Why not?" "Because I'll kill you with tickles." He said and we sat down on a chair to watch the game. "Come on Asu!" We cheered and Aso noticed my wet hair. The towel that was on his shoulder was now on my head and I looked at him confused. "Come on, you need to dry off too." He said and I slightly blushed in embarrassment. "Th-Thanks..." I said and he nodded as he dried my hair for me. "I can do that myself Aso." "Too bad." He said and finished soon. "You smell like chlorine." I complained and he smiled, "You're not any better." He said and I smiled to him. "At least I didn't get out by my own sister." "Oh hush, I didn't make a plan to get you out." "All you needed to do was catch my ball, that's why." "Alright students, go change, the winner is the (f/c) team!" I smiled to him and Aso just rolled his eyes. "That's only because I got out early." Aso muttered and we went to change.

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