55- Wake up

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After I embarrassed (rival), he dropped me off at home and I smiled. He turned to me and spoke. "(Y/n), before I go, I want to ask you something."

"Yeah?" He sighed and held my hand. "If this were all a dream, would you still love me?" I was confused and smiled. "Of course I would (rival)." I smiled and he nodded.

"You need to wake up." He muttered and I was confused. "Can you repeat that?" "You need to wake up (Y/n)." I was confused and he kissed my forehead before it felt like I was disintegrating. I was shocked and stared at him. The world around was turning into ashes and he smiled as his hands disintegrated. I was panicked as I started disintegrating from my feet and the world around collapsed as we floated. "What's happening?"

"You're waking up. I love you my (n/n)." I was shocked and reached for him one more time.


I sat up in a panic and I was confused. I was covered in sweat and a familiar person was over me. "Mrs Aishi! Your daughter is awake!" I was confused and stared at the people who entered. I was shocked and confused.

"Wh-What happened? Where am I?" I asked and mom hugged me with dad and my siblings. "We were so worried!" Dad said and the person spoke. I finally recognized him. Mr Mujo..? Yeah, it's him...

"You were in a coma. We don't know how but... you were in a coma when we checked on you..." I nodded and hugged them. "Your friends brothers did everything they could to bring you back. They put themselves in a coma too. It was connected to your consciousness." I was shocked and nodded. "They sent you clues in your dream to try and bring you back. We're so glad it worked." I heard mom say and I nodded.

I looked at them and they let me go as I smiled. "I'm fine." I said and they nodded. "We're glad. You should probably see your friends." I nodded and the girls held me as they cried a bit. "We thought you'd be there for so much longer!" "Don't scare us like that again!" Amai and Kizana yelled at me as I smiled. They each yelled something to me about how scared they were. I smiled and hugged them each. "Sorry."

They nodded and backed off. Their brothers walked in soon and held me. "You worried us so much (Y/n)." I smiled and hugged them as (rival) stayed here for a bit longer than the others. I smiled and hugged them as Mr Mujo came in.

"I'm sorry, but I'm going to need to run some tests." "Tests for what?" "To see any after effects. You need to be here for about two more weeks." I nodded and sat here. The others left and he smiled. "Do you remember everyone that hugged you?" I nodded and told him if they were family or friends and their names. "Alright. So it doesn't seem like you have major memory loss if there is any."

He said and asked questions that I could answer just fine. "Please tell me, what did you dream about in your coma?" I told him about the school and meeting them. "So memories and a bit more. Alright then. No memory loss." He said and nodded. "That's great." He nodded and I relaxed.

For the two weeks I was here, he questioned me and smiled as everything was fine. I had a nightmare on the last night where I was with the demons.

They stared at me and giggled. Succubus smiled and floated to me as I was shocked. "We're real. Welcome back to real life, or the 'game' as you know it." I was confused and Flame spoke. "Succubus, she doesn't understand that. You see, while you were playing this 'game' or whatever humans call it, you got taken into it when you were so obsessed with it and didn't care for yourself. Then you just went into a coma for that and sucked into the game." I nodded a bit and Succubus giggled.

"Also, yeah, you do have a split personality. That Corporate Company thing does exist." "How do you know what-" "Dearie, don't think I wasn't next to you the entire time. Every day in that dream and real life, I was next to you. I kept you asleep longer than the first reset or whatever it's called to stay amused. Besides, I get sexual energy from it." "So... the relationship and everything-" I started as I sounded sad but she giggled and interrupted me. "It wasn't a dream. He does still love you. So do the others but they know you're not breaking up anytime soon. They tried everything they could think of to bring you back. Make you framed, terrified, reset, kill you, everything! Until they found out I was the reason keeping you asleep and you needed to get in a relationship with one of them." She said and I nodded.

I woke up and I wasn't scared. Mujo smiled and nodded. "You can go home. Try to avoid scaring everyone Miss Aishi." I nodded and giggled to his joke as he waved.

When I went to school, everyone hugged me and I was surprised. Even the headmaster, who usually glared at me, was calm. He glared at my siblings and sighed as he welcomed me back. I smiled and nodded. We rested and smiled. When I went to class, I was being caught up and nodded as Osano smiled. When class was over, Osano I walked together to lunch and smiled.

"We're glad you're back you idiot." I smiled and nodded. "Yeah, me too, you tsundere." He blushed and just looked away. I giggled and sat with everyone as we spoke.

At the end of the day, (rival) pulled me to him and I blushed.

"(Rival)?" I asked and he looked down as he pet my hair. "Did you mean what you said?" "Huh?" "When you were waking up. Did you mean what you said? That you still love me?" I smiled and nodded as I cupped his cheek. He held me and sighed in relief as he smiled. "That's good... I was worried." I smiled and leaned on his chest. "Nope. I still love you. I'm guessing you do too?" "It would be a bad idea to not love you." He said and I giggled.

"Alright then. We should get going." He nodded and we walked.

We didn't see the four remaining bullies glare at me as I walked with him. He dropped me off at home and I smiled as he left.

Alright! Ended the confusion of the fourth wall break! Sorry this chapter is short. I couldn't think of anything else for this. From now on will be scenarios. You can request any scenarios, au's for an x reader and a rival x reader.

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