not a fricking chapter! XD

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Soooooooooo yes after every chapter ill do a very short smut thing (or try to) and thats because sometimes i forget to upload and i tell myself i need to and i will today but i dont XD, so today i will talk about this story!

Smut chapters
So the smut chapters with probably be about the main thing im writing about, taylus, but we need to expand the community! If i still have amino i will look up a taylus amino and if there isnt one ill try to make one but anyways, some of the smut chapters will be about something else! Probably none but everyone needs a break of something that they wait to read! Also i will try to make a short smut chapter after every linda long one because i love yaoi XD. Sooooooooooo if you guys give me a few suggestions of ships you want me to write then i will try!

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