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This is the hardest and requires the most practice, but when you are ready it will happen. I suppose the most difficult part is calling out your mer-form, seeing yourself as one with the water. Before you even begin this Shift, you need to have EVERYTHING else down to a T. Otherwise it either won't work, will end horribly, or take several years, which will make your mermaid spirit whither.

The first step is to become comfortable from head to toe, relaxed and content. *Do not wear pants or confining clothing, because it will stop your tail and rip the cloth.* If you aren't comfortable without clothes, wear a very large shirt. The best reported results are when people use candles scented like the ocean and music that reminds you of mermaids. Try songs by Celtic Woman, especially Beyond the Sea, and Florence and the Machine. But my personal favorite is Let Go by Frou Frou. I don't know why but I just like the feel of that song. It reminds me of water.

Focus on the energy from the tips of your toes to the tallest hair on your head. Feel it coursing throughout your body. See your fluke forming, looking to your desire. At this point you will most likely and should feel pain in your feet, toes, and ankles. Keep accepting the pain as your tail forms, as it becomes physically tangible, physically real. Imagine your true mermaid self forming and pulling away from your mortal frame, becoming, alive, real. DO NOT RUSH THIS STEP!!!

KissingMidnight, on of the most famous Shifters ever, also did this. Quote:

"I focused on the sun going down, and I imagined the daytime as me, the light part of me that's mundane, logical. And then I imagined the night as the ocean and mermaids, magick and things not seen as understood. As the sun was setting, I finally shifted into my true mermaid form. It felt weird at first, but at the same time it felt like stretching a sore muscle. So it was a little painful but the good type of pain."

Here is what happens after that:

1. The legs join together and may or may not elongate. Spine elongates into a tail and the feet become your fluke. Any and all additional fins will develop out of skin tissue and fat.

2. The skin may possibly begin to change depending on the person, and a smooth dolphin-like skin will cover the tail. Then the scales will develop over that, coloured as you wish in the appropriate area. *From appendix down*

3. Gills will possibly form depending on person, and lungs become similar to a dolphins', AKA being able to hold your breath for long periods of time.

4. Webbed hands will appear, and possible fins. Depends on person.

5. All distinct changes on the head and neck form and the personality of a mermaid sets in. (Instinct, behaviour, etc.)

From then on the call of the sea will be heard, and you are on your own to go to your people. See you there. 

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