Chapter 7

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“Excuse me; I don’t appreciate you bad mouthing my friends and their video.” I said calmly since I didn’t want to start anything…yet. “If you don’t want to work here, leave. Also, only wanting money and sex and then leaving afterwards, doesn’t make you a slut? You need to- Ahhh! Ow!” Before I could continue, I felt pain in my left eye. I took me second to realize the she had literally, clawed my eye. Placed a hand over my left eye and before I could move, she scratch the right side of my face. I clenched my teeth so I wouldn’t let her know that it hurt.

Without thinking, I punched her, right in the gut, knocking the wind right out of her. I was still holding my left eye and my vision was slightly impaired since I can only see out of one eye right now. Before I could react, she had tackled me but I stood my ground. She continued to scratch me and pull my hair, while I tried to shake her off. I lost my balance and we were both on the ground. I had delivered a few more punches before deciding to curl up like an armadillo. After a moment, I felt someone pull us apart. Danny held the chick back while Barry had a hold on my shoulder. I trying to catch my breath as I took a look at the damage I caused. Her hair was messed up, makeup was smeared slightly and she had a few bruises. Now then, most woman can talk with their eyes and hers were saying, ‘Now you’re going to get it.’ She began to fake cry and leaned into Danny’s chest.

“Oh Danny, thank you for saving me. I was minding my own business, when she came up and attack me. With the way she was fighting, I thought I was going to die!” She continued to cry her fake tears. Real tears began to threaten to fall out of my eye but I refused. I became so angry, not because she was framing me, but because I confronted her.


I should not have done that. This whole would have been avoided if I had just ignored it all. I could have told Danny to beware her to save his heart, but no. I had to get involved. Dammit y/n. You fucked up…again.


Before anyone could say anything, I stood up and walked into the house, not without bumping into the wall first though. I made it to my room and I locked the door. I took a good look in the mirror and saw what she did to me. My face was covered in scratches and a little bit of my right arm as well. I felt something wet fall down the left side of face and I couldn’t tell if it was blood or something else. I didn’t want to know, nor did I care. I went to my dresser and looked into my draws until I found what I was looking for. An eye patch. I went into my bathroom and cleaned my eye before placing the patch on. My whole face stung and so did my dignity. I left the bathroom and sat on my bed and thought about what I did. Was it justified, or not. I kept arguing with myself for a few minutes before a knock at my door disrupted my thoughts.

“Look, I’m sorry. I didn’t mean to. Please don’t be angry at me but I understand if you are.”
“That’s not why I’m here, and I’m not mad.”

That voice.


I opened the door and pulled him in. Before me stood a very concerned looking Barry. Barry didn’t say anything; instead he wrapped his arms around me and hugged me. I couldn’t hold my tears any longer and let them fall but I didn’t make a noise. Barry rubbed my back for a moment before pulling away and dragging me to the bathroom. I sat on the toilet lid as Barry began to wash my scratches.

“It’s ok y/n. Dan is taking care of what happened but I want to know your side.” I stayed quiet for a moment, before speaking. I told him everything, but I didn’t look at him. He stayed quiet for a moment before sighing and giving me another hug.

“We need to tell Dan.”

“Won’t he be mad though?”


“He’s been planning this for a month and we don’t have a replacement if she leaves.”

“He won’t be mad. We can figure it out. Don’t worrier. Let’s go see him now.” I nodded and we left to go find Dan. When we were back outside, they were in the middle of filming, so we waited. Once done, Danny and the girl came towards us. The girl’s eyes were glaring daggers at me. So I lowered my head. Barry shooed the girl away and began to tell Dan everything I told him. Once done, they just stood there for a moment or two, thinking. I looked up and my eyes caught Dan’s. He smiled at me and nodded. He went over to the girl and he was telling her something. The chick got mad, slapped him and left. Dan came back rubbing his cheek.

“You ok Dan? I asked in a low voice. Dan began to laugh and ruffled my hair.

“Am I ok? Of course. The better question is are you ok? She got you good.” Dan took notice of my eye patch and began to freak a little. “Wait, do you still have vision in that eye?! I hope you do. Son of a bitch, I hope you’re not in too much pain.”

“Dan, I’m fine. My eye should be healed in a few days, but what about the video. We can’t get a replacement this short notice.”

“Don’t worry, Ninja Brian and I got this. Go rest up.” Dan turned around so he was facing the rest of the crew.

“You guys can go home and rest. We can continue this next Sunday. Enjoy your week.” With that, everyone cleared out, except for the Grumps and Brian.

“Dan, you didn’t have to do that.”

“Don’t worry. Right Brian?”

“Yeah, don’t worry. We can use this time to find a replacement anyway.” With that, Barry helped me inside and sat me on the couch. Zack ran up to me and gave my arm a hug.

“I’m fine Zack. Why don’t you go play with Mochi or Mimi?” Zack hesitated but left anyway. The other Grumps came into the living room and looked very concern.

“Guys, I’m fine. You have work to do. I’ll just take a nap.” I gave a smile to reinsure them and reluctantly, they left. I lie down on the couch and quickly fell asleep. My dreams were not pleasant though. Memories can sooth you one day, but haunt you the next.


Hey guys. I'm posting this now because I will not have anytime Sunday to work on stories, but i wanted to make sure you guys got this. Hope you enjoy and Im sorry about not posting anything Sunday.

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