Chapter Twenty-Nine

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Cliffheart padded alongside Cherrygaze and Yellowcry as they headed for the Gathering. A couple days had passed since Cliffheart joined WindClan and he loved every second of it.

Cherrygaze was a great mentor and taught Cliffheart all about the moors and the best way to hunt rabbits. She also taught him how to track prey better and when an intruder was on their land just by the smell on the wind.

The WindClan cats are better than ThunderClan cats. He thought to himself, anxiety filling his chest as he thought of facing his former Clanmates. Will Oddrun be there? Is Robinkit an apprentice? Who is her mentor?

Though he lived in WindClan, he still deeply loved his mate and kit that lived in ThunderClan. He truly wished they could leave and join WindClan just as he had done.

They reached Fourtrees and Cliffheart bounded away from Cherrygaze as he caught sight of Tabbytail's calico and tabby pelt. Where is Oddrun? He wondered.

"Tabbytail!" Called the black warrior and his former apprentice turned her head and smiled. Cliffheart looked around and flicked his tail. "Where is Oddrun? Is Robinkit an apprentice? Who is her mentor? Is it you?" He questioned.

The warrior looked taken aback and purred with amusement. "Robinpaw is an apprentice and has Owlscar as her mentor." She meowed and Cliffheart grinned from ear to ear. "Oddrun is back at camp caring for her kits."

Cliffheart's heart stopped and he stared at Tabbytail with wide blue eyes. "Kits?" He meowed, shocked. "Who's the father?" The tom meowed quietly.

Tabbytail nudged him playfully, her eyes amused. "Yours, mouse-brain!" She purred and flicked her ear. "Sedgekit, Larkkit, Leopardkit, and Lakekit are all healthy."

Cliffheart felt his heart expand to fill his entire chest and he let out a long, rumbling purr. I have more kin! But they're in ThunderClan...

Tabbytail's amber eyes darkened and Cliffheart tilted his head in confusion. "What's the matter?" He asked, his eyes worried.

"Fallenbriar died during a border skirmish with RiverClan over Sunningrocks after you left." She meowed quietly and Cliffheart felt his heartbreak slightly.

Fallenbriar was an amazing foster-father to Cliffheart, and he admired and respected the fallen golden tom very much. He was a father to me, how did this happen so soon after I joined WindClan?

Cliffheart saw Fallenpaw padding towards them and waved his tail in greeting. "Hi, Fallenpaw." He meowed warmly, seeing her head tilt made him frown.

Tabbytail looked at Fallenpaw and purred with amusement. "She's earned her warrior name, Cliffheart." Explained the she-cat. "Fallenflower is her name."

Fallenflower nodded sheepishly and Cliffheart noticed a darkness in her eyes that made his heart shatter with sympathy. She lost both her siblings so quickly, I can't imagine the pain and grief she's going through.

"What else has been going on in ThunderClan since I left?" Asked Cliffheart, turning his head to look at Tabbytail.

She young she-cat looked away with a sad expression and Fallenflower looked at her paws. "Swallowfeather came down with Greencough and died," she meowed silently. "Oatpaw has become Oatfur."

Cliffheart felt sick to his stomach. Swallowfeather was dead? Since Newtstem died moons ago by a slash to the neck, Cliffheart never thought they would lose another medicine cat.

Suddenly, a question popped in his head and he had to ask. "Did you ever find out who killed Newtstem?" He asked.

Tabbytail shook her head, as did Fallenflower and Cliffheart sighed. "The Gathering is about to start," murmured Tabbytail.

Sure enough, Falconstar stood on the boulder with the other leaders behind him. A large shadow from the leader was cast down upon the gathered cats, making Cliffheart shudder.

The large tom had new scars across his flank, shoulder, muzzle, eye, and neck. What the?

"Cats of all Clans, welcome to the Gathering!" He meowed. "I shall begin, ThunderClan welcomes four new kits born to Oddrun."

Warm cheers filled the clearing but Cliffheart heard something rather nasty from Crowfoot.

"I bet they'll abandon their Clan just like their father did." The tom snarled, making Cliffheart stiffen with rage.

"We also have one new warrior and one new apprentice. Please welcome Fallenflower and Robinpaw!" Falconstar announced.

"Fallenflower! Robinpaw! Fallenflower! Robinpaw!" Chanted the cats beneath the leader, Cliffheart yowling the loudest over all the cats around him.

"That is all I have to report this moon." Falconstar dipped his head and sat down next to Sheepstar. Nettlestar had died just two days ago and he was greatly missed.

Shiningwater stepped forward, his eyes flashing. "ShadowClan is mourning the loss of Thornstar after he bravely led a fox away from our camp. He joined StarClan like a true warrior." The tom lowered his head slightly but went on. "My name is Shiningstar and Whiskerheather is my deputy."

"Shiningstar! Whiskerheather! Shiningstar! Whiskerheather!"

"Raccoonfur has also joined StarClan but we welcome Bounceblaze into the nursery expecting Cloudyfoot's kits." Shiningstar finished and stepped down and sat down next to Falconstar.

Sheepstar rose to his gray-and-white paws and padded forward, his icy blue eyes searching around the hollow. "WindClan is growing in numbers but we have lost one cat who was very dear to us. Nettlestar has joined StarClan because of a serious bout of Greencough."

Silence clung to the clearing for the fallen leader. Nettlestar was well-known among the Clans and was very promising as a warrior and deputy.

"My new name is Sheepstar and Goldfire is my new deputy." The tom announced and only murmurs of congratulations racked the clearing as the new leader sat down.

Specklestar stood up and fluffed out his fluffy fur. "RiverClan is doing well. We remain strong while the fish stay plentiful in our waters." He meowed and backed away for Russetfish to report.

"Rainstar was brutally killed in a battle with three rogues and two warriors were greatly injured. Other than that, SkyClan has been doing well." The she-cat meowed. "My name is Russetstar and Sweetwish is my deputy."

Murmurs of approval rumbled in the throats of the older warriors in the Clans as they began to dismember to join their leaders. Cliffheart dipped his head to Tabbytail and Fallenflower.

"Tell Oddrun I love her and I miss her, our kits, and Robinpaw." He meowed and sent Tabbytail and Fallenflower off with a lick on the ear.

Turning away, Cliffheart bounded away to join Cherrygaze and Raccoonwhisker as they padded away from the trees and towards the moor.

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