"Blow the bastards up"

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Natasha and Steve walked slowly through the long tunnel till they saw a figure stopping a long way in front of them.

The figure had been walking like in a hurry but noticed the two and stopped. He looked back at them and then continued his walking into another crossing tunnel.

"You got it?" Steve asked and Natasha nodded while starting to jog to get to him faster.

Natasha made a right turn into the other tunnel and Steve kept on searching the one they were previously in.

The figure was now running from her, looking back now and then to see if she'd catched up.

But she didn't feel like doing this running game today, so she picked up her gun and shot at the figure.

He stopped and felt his neck with his hand, exactly where Natasha had hit him.

But what the figure didn't know was that the bullets were actually poison-arrowheads that would be able to slow a certain kind of species down - frost-giants. Because of course regular bullets wouldn't work on them according to Loki.

When the figure collapsed onto the floor Natasha had already reached him.

She saw immediately whom it was. Harley. But he looked kind of weird, like an older version of him.

She searched his pockets and found a keychain with five different keys.

"Guys, I found Peter." Clint announced through the comms.

Natasha could hear Tony sigh in relief and Steve mumbling something positive.

"I got Harley, shot him with the poison. Also I found a keychain, you think we'll have any need for it?"

"Take it with you and meet us by the location I sent you." Clint answered sounding like he was occupied with doing something.

"Hey, everything okay back there?" Tony finally asked. He hadn't had the guts to ask if the kid he was responsible for - which he kind of threw out of his house and ignored - was hurt or not.

"Yeah, he's alive so I guess that's good..." Clint answered mumbling, still sounding like he was doing anything else.

When Natasha had handcuffed Harley with vibranium-cuffs, she left him laying on the floor paralyzed by the poison.

"Guys, this is the location Harley's at."
She then used her Stark-watch to send the location and receive Clint and Peters one. She then started running off to there Clint and Peter where supposed to be.

"Hey, kid..." a voice far away called, "you're gonna be fine. Just hang in there.."

Everything felt so weird, it was like he was on the drugs again.. There was this voice calling for him but he couldn't answer.. He just couldn't..
His stomach hurt so badly too, it was like it was bare of skin and he could feel coldness enter his body.

His hands behind his back had started stinging, like the feeling when they fall asleep. He wanted to move them to make it go away, but he was too tired.. He couldn't..

"Oh shit.."

Another voice said.. Who were these people? Why were they talking about him? He surely couldn't see anyone?

Oh, right.. To see you have to open your eyes.. That's right?! How could he have even forgot..
But did he want to open his eyes? No. He wanted to stay in this empty space.. He didn't want to open them and see he still was in that damn chair.

"He's handcuffed.." Clint nodded behind Peters back as he was laying on his side. He hadn't taken the pressure off his stomach since he first touched it.

Natasha fiddled with the keychain she got from Harley and sat down on her knees behind the two. She unlocked the handcuffs that were inhumanly tight and left marks around Peters wrists.

"They must've stopped the blood from entering his hands," she worriedly picked something out of her jacket-pocket and started fiddling with it. "I'll give him this, but then we'll have to be extra fast to get him medical attention. I don't know how he'll react with the spider thing.."

Clint just nodded, anything would be better than the current situation, a few more minutes and the kid would be drained of blood.

Ouch.. Something stung in his shoulder and he moved his hands as the pain disappeared. Wait! He moved his hands? He can do that now?
That's cool..

Maybe he should just open his eyes anyway - just to be sure...

Peter slowly opened his eyes and met Clints worried face. He looked terrified. He looked like he had the world on his shoulders and his shoulders was about to collapse. Yes, that's exactly what he looked like..

"Kid? Can you hear me?!" Clint noticed Peter waking up and got eye-contact with him. He was so scared and relieved at the same time. Everyone thought Tony had been the one responsible for the kid, but deep down everyone had the feeling like they were supposed to protect him.
They were his only family after all.

Peter felt like he was shaking.. Or was the world shaking and shook him with it? Or was the world still and someone else shook him with them..?

"Hey! Stay awake!" Natasha rolled Peter carefully to his back and put his arms away from behind his back.

Clint held the pressure during the whole procedure.

"Kid, you can't fall asleep, ok?" Natasha yelled and shook his shoulders when his eyes started to daze off.

"What'd you give him?" Clint questioned and met Natasha's eyes.

"An adrenaline shot. He should be able to stay awake till we get to the compound."


Clint let one of his hands go from Peters shot-wound in the stomach but still held the other one tightly on. He changed his sitting position on his knees to a crouching position and picked Peter up carefully in his arms.

"Tell Stephen we're ready." He said and grunted as he rose from the crouching position.

Natasha immediately started pushing the buttons on her watch and only a little moment later a circle of light spread in front of them.

Clint carried Peter with him through the portal and let go of the wound while doing so. Natasha walked directly behind.

Stephen had teleported them to the compounds medbay where Bruce was already fiddling with the medical equipment.

"Lay him down here." Bruce gestured for the empty bed in the middle of the room and Clint slowly laid the kid down.

"Peters safe, you guys go ahead and blow the bastards up." Natasha informed through the comms.

"Blow up?! What are you talking about?" Steve never remembered the part of the plan where they'd 'blow everything up'?

"Tony?" Natasha added.

"Yeah. Steve we're getting out of here." Tony answered. "Now."

A while later Stephen had teleported Tony and Steve back to the compound, Tony looking satisfied and Steve like he'd just seen a whole place blowing up.

"Is he okay?" Tony asked as he rushed into the room where Peter lay still on the bed.

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