Chapter 1- The start

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   Aronyst was on a large ship, doing Gods know what with just a stein of mead in her hand. The water had been particularly rambunctious this day, but not even to pose a large threat to a captain and her crew. The boat rocked every now and then, the boat shook with such vigor that people and things would fall. The boat shook more people than objects, as the passengers were at the very least tipsy. The boat had a slight smell of mildew, which didn't bother any body aboard (and they could get their asses off right then and there if they had a problem with it). 

 One particular shake, knocked even the most seasoned sailors aboard on their asses. With the storm so heavy at the time, the captain could barely steer, and doing everyday simple tasks of the job became quite the challenge. With the captain focusing on making sure herself, her crew and passengers survived, the sailors scrambling around the boat to fix things into order for a storm, and most of the passengers either blacked out from mead or the toss from their seat didn't give a damn, putting all their faith into the divines, no one noticed the small but steady leak of pirates. 

 The pirates slowly came on and with a silent foot they discreetly slit the throats of the crew one throat at a time. The captain's attention was drawn from one of the light footed slavers, and before she could react, she met the same fate her crew did moments previous. With no one to attack and prevent the slavers from choosing their new trades, the passengers were slung onto the slaver's ship. Those who remained on the ship either died in the eventual crash or washed ashore for the slavers to so "graciously" pick them up and put them on their boat.


 A scratchy voice greeted her as she stirred, and not nearly as graceful as you would think. She rubbed her head and regained her bearings, and looked at another shackled prisoner with still adjusting eyes. The fellow prisoner alerted someone of her mortality. Your cage is open, and you exit, and cross over slowly with your shackles to a brassy Dunmer. 

 "Look what the sea coughed up! Welcome to Vvardenfell, land of Dark Elves, lava flows, and slaves of all descriptions," The Dunmer woman whom Aronyst has yet to learn to learn her name finished but quickly started up again. "Speaking of slaves, let me get those manacles off you."

 Her dry throat, that hasn't been used in whoever knows how long piped up. "Wait- how can you remove these bindings," she moved her wrist around as a form of referral, still taking in these new people, this new setting and new circumstance . 

 "Oh, you'll find I'm full of surprises!" she posed a quick cheeky smile, "I have just the thing. Hold still- there!" She looked quite proud despite how many times she's picked a lock before. 

"What is this place?" 

"You've been captured by slavers, haven't you been paying attention? Maybe you hit your head when your ship crashed into those rocks and dumped you onto the Bitter Coast. The slavers lured your ship in and took their pick of the survivors." 

Kind of hard to process information when you've been thrown around like a rag doll and cuffed into incarceration. She furrowed her brows a bit, "Are you working with the slavers?" 

"Slavers? Me? No, my allegiance leans in an entirely different direction," she almost looked offended by the question from the scrambled woman. "Let's just say I'm here to help you escape this place. Then you get back to what you were doing before the slavers so rudely sank your vessel." 

  "So how do we get out of here?"

  "Not so fast hero." 

 why is she calling me hero?

  "I need to make sure you can handle yourself in a fight. Not everyone recovers from a near-death experience that quickly."


  Aronyst awoke with a fumble, yet again, wondering how many times she'd wake up like this. She found herself walking around with a random pack she found, to find a hold upstairs. There were coffers, and two desks put back to back. 

 Before she could do much a man's voice spoke up. 

 "Good, you've returned to your senses. Let's talk." He blocked the exit and as she looked at him she found a tag on his uniform that read "Sergeant Delms". "So care to tell me what you were doing on that slaver ship?"

 She cleared her voice a bit as a run in with authority is never calming. "They captured me and I was trying to escape. What is this place?" 

 "This is the port town of Seyda Neen, on the island of Vvardenfell. We fished you out of the burning wreckage of a slaver ship near Firemoth." He acted as if this happened all the time, and this was just another bothersome part of his day. "If you're not a slaver, why were you dressed as one?"

  Aronyst felt liked she was a slaver at that moment. As if she was caught for a crime she never committed yet her subconscious was screaming at her. She looked down at her jerkin,and realized that's what that slaver wore. The one she plucked the clothes off of. "We were in disguise, trying to make our escape from the ship."

  "We? Hmm." She spilled a tad too much. "I'll let Governor Salvi sort this out. She wants to see you." he started to turn around, "best not to keep her waiting."

   The sergeant left her to come follow behind. So she searched the coffers and found random minerals that she vaguely recognized. Her head was still pounding from the recent events. A dagger that was oddly shaped sat on a table near the door. Aronyst decided that it would be good to pick it up, and found tightly sealed drinks. 

  "I supposed I am a bit thirsty," she mumbled to herself, "might as well just pick it up." she huffed as she didn't find any gold. So she went back to those minerals and picked them up, perhaps that'll get herself some gold. Just as Aronyst was about to exit, she realized that the dresser next to the door and trunk at the end of the bed might contain something to wear. 

  I really want to get out of these grimy clothes,

 She found a pair of rawhide bracers, and decided to slip them on. Then she walked out the door to put the whole ship behind her.

The Elder Scrolls ( TES / ESO ) Aronyst x Darien GautierWhere stories live. Discover now