Chapter 2- House of Redoran

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  Aronyst was a wanderer. Or an outsider as many called her. She didn't have a set place so she just wandered. She found herself in a town called "Balmora". A sergeant asked her to go find The House Councilor of Balmora , to help him find someone. Aronyst did just that. She got stares from other people there, Bosmer didn't usually find themselves in Vvardenfell. Despite the eyes, some of curiosity, and some with discontent, she found herself to the House of Balmora. 

  She walked up to the door and saw a woman who worked for the house, she seemed to be taking inventory. Aronyst shot a small hello and a smile and the woman replied with a distracted greeting, but at least she even got one. It's good to know not all Dunmer are total snobs. Most Dunmer are pretty kinda, but those few asses who aren't make life for the others so much harder. 

 The door opened and a man sitting a desk was there to greet, only he didn't and he just read his book. She said another greeting and he replied a short sound of acknowledgment. Aronyst walked up the wooden stairs, that seemed fairly old. A large hallway greeted anyone who walked up those stairs, with some doors closed, some locked tight, and some open. Some even without a door. She walked up to a room with no door. A secretary was sitting at a desk doing her work, while what she presumed was Councilor Eris was talking to a younger man. When he noticed Aronyst he excused the young man and called her over. 

 "Ah- thank you. I assume you're here to help me?"

 Aronyst limped back to Balmora, from kicking the three asses of those who corned a Morag Tong member named Ashur. She needed information from him and it's hard to get information out of a dead body. The man assured her that he had it handled, but Aronyst knew that was a bit of a bluff. Embarrassed that someone had to rescue him instead of doing it himself. Eris needed to know that his daughter is safe, but wanted nothing to do with him. And then she was off to go help Naryu and the little duckling she adopted.


 Naryu, who normally had a cool tone was now mildly freaking, and Aronyst was just a bubble of fear. A damn lock wouldn't budge, and just at the most convenient time. Aronyst had no clue what to do. Veya called her father, and now Councilor Eris was begging his enraged daughter for his life. 

   "Veya, please don't do this," Aronyst banged on the wall trying to get her attention. "Please it'll be okay you're upset right now. I swear Ulran's death will not go unavenged-" But all she saw was red. The mention of her dead brother made her even angrier. Veya couldn't hear anything but her despair and anger. And nothing stopped her. She drove her axes around and brutally murdered her father, just as she had to Captain Brivan. Aronyst cried, tears she tried to hold but soon broke. 

 She became close to Veya, a friend. Aronyst felt horribly for her situation, and personally made it her problem as well to help Veya. Now Veya had killed two people, of high ranking positions, without a writ. 

 And the lock finally budged. Naryu broke in but it was far too late. Eris had been mutilated and there was no bringing him back. Naryu's body screamed, cause this is bad. A young woman she cared for, whom was her apprentice had just murdered two people with no legal order. That's on Naryu, so what is it? Flee from her job and protect Veya? Turn the young woman who felt almost like a daughter to her into the Morag Tong? For her to be killed? She couldn't do either, but both options clashed with each other, and it was one or the other. 


  Aronyst held her two daggers at her side, staring at the opponent she just knocked down. Aronyst had cuts bleeding from every twist and turn, from paper cut to laceration. But all she could feel were the wounds she just afflicted upon the young woman, and it hurt. She couldn't even cry. Over the past week her feelings for her grew from friend, to more. 

 Blood was everywhere. It was Aronyst's, who's attacks became sloppy from emotional burden being attached, Veya would didn't even realize how injured she was until she fell, and Eris who had been dead and bleeding for longer the the fight itself. The hair that was held tightly into a bun, swept away from pulling and falling in her face earlier that day barely even resembled its former shape. Sweat pooled down her forehead, down the nape of her neck and every other crevice imaginable. 

        "You killed her - You killed her - You killed her - You killed her - You killed her "


  Aronyst told Naryu to bring her back to the safe house. Hoping she wasn't dead but she knew she was. Her armor was covered in blood and sweat, but all she could think about while she was sitting in that wicker chair was how she killed her. Death didn't phase Aronyst but this time it did. 

  She wanted to drag her ass to the tavern and get drunk off her ass, but Naryu wouldn't allow. "That's no way to treat yourself hero," she told her. So Aronyst was sitting in the Morag Tong safe house unfocused and staring at the wall. 

  Ashur was stitching up Veya, far from pretty but life saving. Aronyst was still bleeding, not fatal but enough to make the body mad. "Let me see those wounds of yours," Naryu gestured to the very slowly clotting cuts up and down Aronyst's body. 

 Aronyst mumbled just barely enough for someone to hear, "no- I, it's fine," and she re-positioned herself. 

 "Save it, I've had enough baby-sitting for one day," Naryu sat down on the ground and removed her armor. "C'mon, show me 'em or I'll do it myself." Aronyst didn't budge.

 "Myself it is then,"

The Elder Scrolls ( TES / ESO ) Aronyst x Darien GautierWhere stories live. Discover now