Chapter 3- Gut Feeling

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  Aronyst woke up in the Morag Tong safe house. No one was there. She looked around and recalled the recent events. She assumed that Naryu just left her because she had to go work. There was a vial of water and a note on the desk across the room. Aronyst scratched he back and rolled her shoulders around. Her muscles felt taught strings, a tunic that's two sizes too small. The note on the desk was addressed by Naryu, and her personality certainly came through. She could practically hear Naryu reading this in her head. 

     "To Aronyst-

   You were being such a baby yesterday, I have no clue how I actually dealt with you. But to put that aside I hope you're doing well (hence the vial). Don't worry, It's water- pure water.

   As a fore-warning, once you read this letter, leave no trace of it. Now that that's out of the way- I'm sure you want to know where/how Veya is/doing. House Redoran thinks that Veya is dead, and it will stay that way. I'm sending Veya over to Summerset. It's secluded and right now, a lot of non-altmer are going, so she can blend easily. I have sent her to a Khajit man. That's all you need to know. No one knows that Veya is alive besides the people involved. Veya is dead, and people will continue to think that and consider it fact.

Stay safe hero

-you know who I am" 

  The note put a smile on her face, for multiple reasons. The aloof assassin had become a pretty good friend.


  Aronyst knew that dashing straight to Summerset may be a bad idea. And as much as she wanted to see Veya, Veya probably was still on the boat. She decided to try and look for the unnamed Khajit man.  But it deemed much harder than she would think


Aronyst traveled from Vvardenfell and then all the way to Vulkhel Guard. She had heard much of the city.  A controversial city. The city held the ports and the docks to the Summerset Isles. Vulkhel Guard, one of the three biggest cities in Auridon.  But when she first got off the boat a hooded figure approached her. 

It was quite unsettling. Seeing hooded figures in robes usually meant Daedra, a class of magick that did not want to be messed with. From a cult called the "worms" to the bloodthorn. But she still answered. 

   "Greetings, my benefactor wishes to speak with you," the hooded figure said. She wrung her hands, and shifted a bit. It was hard to read her intentions, was she an apprentice? Did she get sent to do someone's bidding? It was difficult to read. So the only way to figure out was to respond

  Aronyst felt uneasy, her gut twisting in every which way. She had no clue what to expect, but she knew it wasn't something good. She told herself, "prepare for the worst, anything could happen."

   Aronyst replied with a short answer, "About?"

  "If my benefactor could speak in public then he wouldn't have sent a messenger," she chuckled a tad, almost childlike teasing. But she wasn't wrong, it either made her case more compelling, or even more dangerous than Aronyst anticipated. 

   She nodded her head and put her hand up to show "lead the way," The messenger got that and did exactly that. Lead the way. 

  The whole walk to, Aronyst's adrenaline was going crazy, she held her hands on her two daggers and made sure her body could be prepared for anything "unexpected". The messenger stopped in front of a neat building, either her benefactor was up to something shady or he was trying to bring justice. Hopefully the latter. 

 The hooded figure smiled and let Aronyst go in first, but she decided to let the figure go first. Aronyst was more ready than ever to use her knives. Something was telling her she was in danger, but it was just a gut feeling. She looked over and saw a man wiggling trying to get her attention. He was silently screaming from underneath his gag and his hands looked sore from the ropes that bound him. 

 She knew something was wrong, she scurried to go help the man but she was hit over the head. Her vision went cloudy and everything sounded warped. Two people dragged her but to where she didn't know.


  The area was cold, and smelt of mildew. She could feel her feet getting wet and cuffs tugging at her wrist. A man's voice was shouting, something quite demanding, but her head was still too foggy. Her body felt limp and her joints felt still but her wrists and ankles were tender. She walked down another step and then she saw nothing. 

    This only lasted a short while, a few steps in front and she had already gained consciousness. Her body was slowly trying to alert itself. Not because of what danger may come, but because of the current danger. A Dunmer man in front of her was pleading, asking what he could do to be shown mercy. He received kicks from the guards and most of what he said was just painful moans. 

  The mildew smell had faded, but the smell of fire and blood replaced it. Her feet were still wet and her feet were sore and red from bumping into things. The man in front of her was released from his bounds, but his thanks only lasted a second. He was thrown atop of a table, where a tall Altmer man stood. He had a peculiar knife in one hand and a dark gem in the other. She recognized those, they were soul gems. You used it and then killed your target, claiming their soul. Her eyes widened but she knew that this was the end. There was no way to escape, and she was a gone-er. The altmer man had white hair and was tall, he had a band on his forehead with a purple stone with leather armor. 

  She analyzed every detail of her surroundings, looking at everything life had given her then. She was never going to breathe again, see again, move again, think again, she wouldn't be anything. 

 Aronyst was interrupted in her last good-bye's to the world, and thrown on the table as the man in front of her had. The same people who dragged her in, the same people who threw her up onto the table were now the same ones holding her to the table. It didn't last long before a spell was cast. Invisible bindings. They seared her skin yet cooled her skin at the same time. It was like cold fire. 

 She looked up at the man, and just stared at him. He saw her from the corner of her eye and smiled at her. It was bone chilling. Like an introduction to Hell. The man spewed odd words that Aronyst couldn't even begin to understand, but then he stopped and looked over. He gave the same bone chilling smile from before, and took the peculiar knife and drove it into her chest. Nothing could've prepared her, and she slowly felt her life force drain. The last thing she felt was being thrown again into a pile. 

 Oh how her day had taken a turn.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 03, 2019 ⏰

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