Breaking Free

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     I'm not sticking around this guy. They might be okayish, but I just need some time alone. I thought to myself as I started to walk in the pouring rain down the street while still trying to make my mind up of where I would go for the night. The cool part about being dead is that there's no one to stop me from staying at one place. I watched the rain lightly fall from above while creating a soft mist that could be seen with the help of some of the street lights that seemed to be close by. I smiled lightly to myself as I saw not one soul out at on the streets. I checked the time by looking over at a advertisement on a screen above the building to see that it was midnight. It was commonly known as the witching hour when I was younger. I had reasons to believe it too.
     I passed through the door of a public library as I looked around to see most of the lights were off. Only one small desk lamp was the exception to this along with a few of the computers whose monitors were not turned off. I looked at the desk lamp and then to the right to find one of my closest friends by the name of John. I smiled lightly as I felt a bit of hope rise within me as I went over to talk to him.

"Hey.", I spoke lightly as I looked at him while sitting down in a desk chair myself

He turned his head towards me. His blue eyes were focused on me, "Hey Randy, what's up?", He asked while adjusting his slim, black , and  rectangular glasses.

I stumbled back in my chair How can he see me? I wondered. "Not much. Fell off a skyscraper and died. You?", I asked him.

He smiled lightly before sighing, "I've been studying this content for my psychology class forever and I still don't understand it. Sorry to hear about you dying though.", He replied.

"How do you see me? I haven't even seen Jeremy or Annabelle yet.", I asked him curiously.

"How shocked would you be if I told you I died a while ago?", He asked while looking at me with his blue eyes while fixing his scruffy black hair into a ponytail that was tied at the bottom of his neck by a singular green bead.

I shook my head, "Not that surprised I guess. But how did you? That is if you don't mind me asking.", I asked him

"Nah, it's fine. I got my throat slit while asleep.", He said as he pointed to a scar that was deep and located in the middle of his neck. "I couldn't feel it for very long.", He continued before turning off the desk lamp and collecting his papers.

"At least you didn't seem that scared when you passed.", I spoke as we started to walk out of the library.

"Mhm. It must have been scary for you since you're afraid of heights.", He spoke as we were now in the library parking lot.

"It was terrifying.", I spoke as we made our way to a café.

     I soon scanned the restaurant to see Jeremy and Annabelle sitting at one table as they were casually talking about the various things they were caught in. Annabelle was caught up with her work as a architectural engineer while Jeremy was finishing out college to become a physics professor. I stood by John as I looked through the window and smiled lightly. "Aren't you upset that they're not acknowledging the fact you're gone?", John asked me while looking at the two. I shook my head, "I'm just glad they're happy."

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