Lost Love

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Thirteen was when Serena first saw them. It was Friday the Thirteenth, Serena never believed in a day full of bad luck. But her arrogance lead to her curse. She first thought they were real people, bit after she realized people couldn't see them she thought they were imaginary friends.

She was homeless at that time, with no family and friends. She had little to eat and lived in a small house made out of cardboard and trash bags, in a dark alleyway in the small city of humans, Rosewood. She wore rags and smelled awful. She lived off trash and pennies she finds in the cracks of the sidewalks. Sometimes, if she was lucky she would get scraps of left over food from the next door bakery. She spent her time looking for the next meal or going to ether public library to study. What she lived to study was music.

Music helped Serena become energetic and lovely, again. She loved to sing and dance creating her atmosphere of felicity. She used music to earn more money. As she learned music, she learned English. She taught herself, and used advantage of her "imaginary" friends to teach her about American culture and English. She learned and learned and used her knowledge to get money. She spent a few korean won on food and clothes. But was not picky and used it all. But, she saved it.

Four years later she got accepted into a private high school with a huge scholarship she got when she took a country wide test. Her savings paid for her school tuition and fees. She was the top of the class and was considered a nerd. She was bullied, at first, just a little. But got serious when everyone knew about her and learned to hate her. She ran away and tried to deal with it, but it hurt her. She then started to call herself worthless and useless. It, first, began with the cutting which somehow released her pain. Then the planning of ending her life, that was when she made the attempts of suicide.

She tried many times, but she always ended up cared for and safe. That she gave up. She became emotionless and blank. The bullying continued and her life dragged on. She started building a complicated maze around her. But someone came around the maze and solved it. He was the local bakery boy,Hui. He was, also, bullied because of being a nerd. It started out as being friends, but then they continued on to the next step and became a couple.

Slowly, Serena began to open up and become human again. She continued going to school and ignored the bulling. She sung every night with Hui, and danced with him. It became fun and music became something that represented their love. They loved each other and took it easy. That was when it happened, when the dark Hui came along and crushed her like an ant who want prepared for the attack.

It was a dark night and Hui brought in rice cakes from his bakery. They talked and sung. They shared a few light kisses and moments. That was when she started to pack up to go home. He grabbed her and asked her to stay a bit more. He convinced her with those little lit up blue eyes. She stayed. But she wasn't ready for the attack that came next, she was an ant and he was a shoe. She didn't have enough time to protect herself our get prepared. That's when the dark Hui came out.

The hungry wolf kiss came in like a a strike of lightening. It surprised her because Hui's kisses were never so demanding. That's when she knew what was going to happen. The deed. She didn't want to do the deed yet, she was scared. She dated him for almost a year. They loved each other and knew each other's secrets. He believed her and was kind to her. But she didn't want to do it yet, she wanted to see if he really loved her.

Hui had some things going these past months. He ditched his geeky glasses and traded his casual clothes with clothes that have style. He was always surrounded by girls and boys, that made it hard for them to get together.

Serena had things going on too. Her "imaginary" friends were actually ghosts. She thought she was crazy and attended therapy. Then found out she really can see ghosts.  She would talk with them and play with them, but no one could see them. So, everyone thought she was crazy. Hui believed her.

It was bizarre how people thought she was a mental human. But didn't see how crazy it was to be living with humans with supernatural powers. No one ever believed me when she said she can see ghosts but didn't find Teleporters creepy. But, she was happy because she had Hui.

But, now it was like another Hui was before me. In dramas, this was when the lights went dark and our people skipped a few minutes. His hands roamed over me, and it sent my heart fluttering. But, she didn't want to give up myself yet. She was too young she convinced her dark desire of actually continuing. So, she slowly parted away from Hui's body and sent a message with her eyes to his brown eyes.

It was because of her nervousness of continuing, they parted. When she regained her posture, it was awkward like the many times before when she couldn't continue on to the next step. She looked around, and meet the eyes of an old woman. Well, an eye of an old woman watching her, where the other eye was a dark hole. She got so scared that she screamed and backed up into Hui's chest. That old woman smiled revealing no teeth but a decaying mouth and black gums. This ghost was scary and didn't appear in her pure form, but as a zombie looking ghost. Serena looked the other way trembling, but this time Hui didn't comfort her but stood up.

Out came the words, "I had enough of your craziness. Get out, and never come back."

Serena scrambled out the room with tears, she thought he was mad because she didn't let him take her virtue away. But, the next day in school, there was no notes he always put in her locker. He didn't look at her, our talk to her. That was when she walked around the corner to go to her past period class, to find Hui with the school's homecoming queen lip to lip worth his arms around her waist.

After those days, Serena rebuilt her complicated maze and mourned like the day her family abandoned her on that stormy night in Rosewood. But, the only thing that didn't deattach from her was her bright, strong personality she regained when she was with Hui. As they say, a first love is a lost love.

Chapter Pic is Hui, Serena's lost love

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