Chapter (1) Who are you!?

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Damn, she's peng. Fuck! She's a stud. I don't even wanna go there but something about her, leaves me thinking...

"Hey! Earth to Lhelani!" Shay snapped her fingers and I blurted my response.
"Uhhh.. sorry Shay."
"Never paying attention Lani, fix up. What were you thinking about anyways?"
Before I could avert my eyes from the stud, Shay turns to see who I was looking at.
"Lhelani, I thought you told me you weren't into studs!" Shay whispers to me across the table.
"I don't think I do." I murmur, knowing full well Shay can hear.
"I know you fucking lying, bitch, look at me!" Shay screams, which catches the attention of the stud and various other people at Nando's. The stud notices me gazing at her, she starts to walk towards the table.
"Lani what?" And before I could answer the stud gestures for me to move around in the booth so she can sit. Fuck she smells good.

"What's your name?" she begins as she's smiling at Shay. "My name's Shay, and yo-?"
Before Shay can finish asking the stud for her name, she turns her attention to me and starts to smirk. My heart rate starts to increase and I feel my mouth watering. "What's your name beautiful?" Shit, she just called me beautiful without it being cringy, fucking hell. "I, uh uh, my name- uh..."
"Her name is Lhelani" Shay laughs as she saves me from sheer embarrassment.
"I like that name, Lhelani, it has a seductive ring to it."
What the fuck is a seductive ring?!! Don't piss me off, she's giving me butterflies. She's getting up what the hell, I don't even know her name!
"Hey what's your name though?" I ask hoping she'll actually answer.
"Kaé" she responded as she made her way to a booth on the other side of the store.

Me and Shay had finished up and were ready to leave and go back to Shay's house for gosh knows what, the holidays have been boring as fuck.

Shay turns to me as she gets up, "I've never seen her in Brixton before."
"Neither have I Shay, but she is just uhhh"
"Lani has a crushhhhhh!"
"Shh Shay she might hear."
"That's the point, we have to walk past her booth anyways so get it together."
Shay and I paced past Kaé's table and I forced myself not to look. I could feel someone looking at me so I held the door for Shay so I could see if anyone was. I let go of the door as I catch Kaé staring into my eyes. Shay thought I was right behind her and had turned back, watching me and Kaé locked in each other's gazes. She kisses her teeth and drags me across the road to the bus stop.

"Look at you Lani, you like someone again!"
"We don't know if I'm going to like her yet, plus she's a stud that's weird."
"Listen don't diss it you're a lesbian anyways, she has a vagina you dickhead. It shouldn't be a problem." When Shay said she has a vagina, mine started to throb and my mind started to think dirty thoughts. I'm fucking nasty shittttt. All I could think about was Kaé being a freak and undressing herself on my bed.
"You're thinking nasty aren't you?"
"How you know?"
"I know you Lani, you start to zone out and suck your bottom lip."
"And I'm guessing you didn't hear when I said she's coming this way?"
"WHAT!" not again! I scream and scramble for my phone in my pocket. I drop it and try to reach for it, I'm stopped by someone else picking it up. I look up to see who it is and it's Kaé, my heart tightens in my chest and I wanna grab my phone so badly.
"You dropped this" Omg yeah I know Kaé and you have it in your hand hurry and give it to me bitch! "Yeah I did, thanks."
She holds onto my phone for a few more seconds before smirking as she gives it back. Shay tugs my arm, "the bus is here get on bruv"
I do as she says and tap my zip card.

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