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your eyes were telling me a story, a story of a prince meeting his princess on their unlawful place of freedom, a place in where they can both say the word 'I love you'.

You proved to me that love had no bounderies, a old-traditioned woman like you fortunately crosses her path with a man living in a modern world that was me

You made me believe that in this world opposites really do attract. you made my eyes shine everytime I saw you, you made me smile everytime you see me, and you made my heart beat in a way no other woman can

You became my strength, comfort,and reason to smile.
I wanted to hold you and dance with you in a slow and loving way, I wanted to grow old with you. And lastly I wanted you to be mine only


I never loved anyone this way it was only you. I couldn't conceit a day of me being apart from you.

You were my everything

no one can ever replace you in my heart, but that was before he came. He wanted you, he wanted you to smile, hold, and love him just like the way you love me.

I was in terror that one day you would leave me just like the others. But My love, You stayed together with me the moment I felt the fault in our stars. one thing the stars failed to connect

and that was our love story

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