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Let me go.

"dahyun" I grab her arm as she walks by the courtyard, knowing her she always comes early. I'm not the early type of person but it's needed right now

she tries to escape me when I went straight to the point "forget whatever I said last night, I was drunk. nothing was true"

I pointed out to the I love you


I remember everything, but I want her to hate it. hate how much I show to not want her back to me. I know, I know that she'll crawl back

I'm all she has.


I walk by the halls when I see yeji, oh my god the girl I used money for. I looked left and right trying to find my way out of this when she speaks

Oh god damn

"I know what happened with you and Park Jimin's girlfriend" I stay frozen on my spot as she takes steps towards me with that evil smirk

"what would you do if I say that you slept with your bestfriend's girl?" she says with crossed arms, I smile.

"then say it, and I'll also say that the beautiful and beloved Yeji begged me on her knees just to stay with her...oh and even gave me money" and she gets taken back, her chest heaves up and down

"you were just a fling...oh wait, I don't even consider you as one" I slant my head closer to her while proclaiming, I blow air into her lips before pulling away "she was more than a fling to me."

"she's my first love."


I was walking back home while eating some potato chips when I see a girl sitting at the sidewalks eating the same chips as mine, she had her legs crossed while chewing loudly.

I look at her weirdly as she lifts her gaze up to me, she wears a different uniform and I have to say she looks cute "you want some?" she shows me the bag of chips in her hands

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