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Later that night at Jin's place, the owner which is Jin tries to calm the enraged Jungkook. "she fucking tricked me good! I mean who wouldn't get angry when the beautiful me almost got raped?!" That complaining bofoon gets smacked in the head by Jin

"How dare you! I'm the only one who has the right to be called beautiful" the nagging woman says while rolling his eyes. Jungkook here on the other side seemed to be serious for the very first time

"She'll pay for what she did! God damn that girl!" The pissed off man proclaims making Yoongi snarl on his sleep, probrably awoken from this man's naggery

"Could you shut up and accept the fact that a girl for once isn't into you?!" The old sleepy grandpa said and covers his face using a pillow

And finally mr. Fuckboy shuts up "Taehyungie hyung, 900,000 won on whoever gets her body first" he smirks desperately. But somehow I wasn't comfortable with it

Usually this is what we do, we bet half thousands of money of who gets to do the girl first but now I'm not going to do it "No"

Four heads instantly widen and gape at me in awe, Jungkook angrily stares at me
"Dude seriously, is your dick broken?" Whispering ear by ear they start to question me

For not being sexually attracted to a girl for once

"Taehyung, are you going out of that fuckboy tittle or-" Hoseok's question gets interrupted by me

"I-I just don't think she's a horny weirdo, finding a woman who's not attracted to me in a sexual way is rare to find" I struggle to explain while feeling their eyes tearing my insides

Yoongi laughs, "Taehyung we know our priorities, and you are very much aware that it isn't about love right?" He says sounding more lively than earlier

Namjoon nods, "look at Jimin, finding his first love at Gyeonggi-do, man that was why he stayed there longer than expected" wait what? We confusingly glance at the smart man

He laughs, "he called me last night, he said that he would come back here in seoul again in no time. He plans on asking the girl to be his girlfriend, supposingly she moved in Seoul as well" hearing those words made me feel enlightened somehow

Never knew a man like him could turn his back on everything just for her, she must be very lucky then. "Saddly he wants to leave Bangtan just for her" he adds

No one could deny the opposite of the word 'smile' plasterred on their faces, Jimin was now devoted to that woman and is willing to forget us just for her

"But we can't let him go, whether he would get into a relationship with her , we should still accept him." He says forcefully with a smile, well true. Even if he broke the promise of not getting involve with love to the opposite sex he's still our brother by heart

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