Blake! ^_^

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Blake's POV

I hold onto Jacob so tight as he messes with my hair. Omg he is so cute! I just don't know how to tell him I love him. It's to hard to come out of my bubble.

As I kept thinking of lots of questions I finally see him falling asleep and I kiss his cheek and fell asleep.

Dakoty's POV

"Thank you again." I say to Eli as we head to the car. My dad was still passed out with the prostitutes on the floor.

Eli turned on some music and Life is Beautiful by Sixx:A.M came on and he started to sing and I joined in. "Omg our voices are awesome together!" I say as we are almost to the house. "I know I was about to say the same thing." He says as we pull in his drive way.

Eli's POV

As I take her inside to go to my room but Tony and Jamie and Oli basically tackle her in the door way for their hug. "Guys get off her she doesn't feel good." I lied but she went along with it. "I got your bags Dakoty just go to my room." I say and she nods and goes up the stairs. "What took y'all so long?" Oli asked. "She told me lots if her secrets and then she grabbed half her room." we all chuckled. "She will love it here." Jamie and Tony said in unison. "Yup!" Oli said popping the P.

Dakoty's POV

As I go to Eli's room I walked passed Jacob's room and see him and Blake in there sleeping. I walked in there and tapped on Jacob's shoulder. "Hey Dakoty!" He said in a whisper. "Hey..." I says really quiet. "Can I ask you something?" He asked me.

"Well you just did but ok I guess."

"How do I put this..."


"Well Dakota I haven't told anyone yet so keep it a secret okay?"

"Sure thing Jacob."

"Well for starters I'm well...... sorta... kinda...maybe be"

"Okay!" I says happily

"And well I kinda like Blake...."

"Well if you want I can tell him for you..."

"No... I mean no thank you I got that part just im don't have the courage to do it..."

"Just make it where you and him are alone and do it.." I says and he pulls me in for a hug trying to not wake Blake.

Eli's POV

I take Dakota's stuff up to my room and find her laying on my bed zoned out staring at the ceiling. "You alright Dakoty?" I ask and she jumps. "Yea just thinking." She says as she sits up. "Penny for your thoughts." I say and grabbed her hand and held it in mine. "I just don't want to go back there Eli!" She says and tears runs down her face. "And you don't have to ever again if you don't want, he can't make you." I say and wipe her tears off. She tightly hugs me and I hold her as she lays her head on my chest. "Dakoty?" I say. "Yes Eli?" She says sniffling. "Can I tell you something?" I say and she looks up at me and nods. "I know we just met today but.... will you go on a date with me? Maybe tomorrow night?" I say real slow. She blushes and nods. "Yes Eli I would love to go on a date with you!" She says really happy. She kisses my cheek and I kiss her forehead. "Get some sleep Dakota you need it for tomorrow." She falls asleep in my arms as I fall asleep to the sound of her breathing.

Blake's POV

"Blake wake up!" I hear Jacob say quietly. "What time is it?" I say tiredly. "2AM." He says. "Well what do you want?" I say kind of mean but didn't mean it to sound that way. He kisses me real slow and passionate.

"Blake.... I don't know how you will react but... I LOVE YOU Blake Justin Moore!" I got real pale and kissed him again. "I Love you too!" "I'm sorry I haven't told you sooner.." Jacob said as tears form in his eyes. "Don't cry Jacob it's okay." I say as I wipe his tears. I kissed him good night and made him lay his head down on my chest. "Night Jakey."

Authors note

Hopefully that was long for you guys.

Well y'all should feel special cause it was 2 chapters in 1 day!

Blake is in the pic! ^_^

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