Chapter two.

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My bruised eyes open slowly to see the darkness of the church now surrounding me. My vision is still attempting to focus on my surroundings, but it's very slow to go back to normal. I lift my body up off of the cold, hard floor and look up at the blood running down the wall. As i'm thinking about how that got there, the memories slowly come back and i shrug it off. This stuff is pretty normal for me to do to myself, so it isn't something i'm not used to. My bruised and bloody body is now standing up completely, and it seems i'm finally just now seeing clearly. Though, it's quite dark outside and there are sudden bursts of light occasionally coming through the windows. Other than that, the only source of light is my phone and the moon. It takes me another few seconds to notice that it's raining heavily outside, that would probably explain the sudden natural amount of light that would show up and then go away in the blink of an eye.

I stumble over to the front door and pull my backpack that i prepared over my back. I was definitely happy to be leaving this place, but i was absolutely terrified at he thought of how i might turn out. There were so many risks to doing this. Would i continue schooling? Would i be a druggie? Would i have a job? Would i be homeless? But, No matter what risk i was taking, it was better than staying with dad and going through his torture until i was 18 and could move out. Throughout all this, you're probably wondering why i haven't just called CPS to get away from him. You see, i have. My dad was smart enough to convince them i was just clumsy and the case was eventually closed without any care. So, here i am now, about to put my whole life in jeopardy to get away from him hopefully for good.

I slowly open the doors and stare out at the darkness and rain pouring down before my blue eyes accented with the devils water. I smile a little, and then finally take my first amazing step into freedom. It's a wet step, one that actually got practically my whole shoe wet, but still amazing. As i'm walking, my body slowly starts to get more soaked by the rain. I usually absolutely hate getting my clothes wet, but hey, this was the highlight of my life so far, and i wasn't going to let some stupid rain ruin it for me. With that being said, the smile on my tan face grows a little more. All if a sudden, i hear a familiar voice call out to me as well as a bright light being shined in my direction, preventing me from identifying who it is.

"Hey!! Wait up!"

Panic begins to set in, i know the voice isn't my father but that doesn't change the fact i don't know who in Christ's name it is in the first place. I begin to run the opposite direction before i feel a tight grip grab my wrist. I still can't see anything due to the blinding light. I unintentionally throw my hands up when i fall on the ground in a blocking form in fear of being hit, my post traumatic stress from all the abuse kicking in. I stare up at whoever it is, absolutely terrified.

"Who are you?!"

Escape // A Larvis fanfictionWhere stories live. Discover now