Ocean | 01

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Pick sat at the meeting table, clicking the pen that he was holding in his hand, the obnoxious sound of clicking continued through the loud meeting; he was bored out of his mind

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Pick sat at the meeting table, clicking the pen that he was holding in his hand, the obnoxious sound of clicking continued through the loud meeting; he was bored out of his mind. Pick stares out the window admiring the sky view, he was always fascinated by how the sky would change colors from an orange to a baby blue or a shade of pink with a hint of purple. Pick stared at the dull blue abyss, just staring at every inch of the sky, he watches as a few bird flew around, one bird in particular stopped moving for a while and stared back at pick.

The bird just stared while flapping it's small light blue wings, watching pick's every move. Pick did the same he watched the blue bird just stare at him. Pick always loved how birds looked or how they could fly. In a way, pick admired everything, his way of thinking was, everything has beauty.

Pick's favorite animal was an owl. Pick never knew why, but did he need a reason to like something? After about 30 minutes the blue bird had finally flown away.

"Pick!" The deep scary voice of his father called out. Pick wasn't afraid of his father but others were. His father was a tall male, with dark eyes, he had a glare that would send shivers down your spine and a voice so deep that could instantly make you terrified. Pick never understood why his father always had an angry or annoyed emotion on, even some moments at home, when at home his face was still annoyed but would soften a bit.

"Pick!" His father called out once again. Once hearing his name once again, pick gave his full attention to his father.

"Yes?" He questioned.

"Let's go. The phunsawat's are here." Pick's father announced with a hit of anger laced in the deep voice.

The phunsawat's and Jumpol's were never in an agreement. The phunsawat and Jumpol family loathed each other with every fiber in their living bodies. Pick never knew or understood why? Maybe it was because they were rivals in the business area or maybe other reasons. Whatever the reason pick was curious. Once pick asked his father but alas his father just pushed the question out of proportion. His father wasn't one to talk much.

Pick got up from his seat and walked with his father to his office. When the two males walked in there were two people, a tall older man and a short brown haired male, Rome. Pick knew exactly who Rome was, but he didn't hate the younger, in fact he didn't really hate anyone for that matter. Rome was 2 years younger than pick. Rome was sweet and had a beautiful smile. Pick would be lying if he said he didn't find the younger breathe taking.

Pick was fascinated by how beautiful a male could be, his porcelain skin, strawberry pink lips and oh how plump his lips looked. Pick often wondered if they were as soft as they looked.

Pick sat on the chair in front of the two other males, Rome looked at pick and pick tried as hard as he could to hide his smile that wanted to form on his lips, in the end he succeeded. Pick always found Rome as beautiful as can be, pick had never dated a guy but the way Rome had a spell on pick was fascinating, no Rome never kissed or flirted with pick for a fact Rome never batted an eye at pick, and if pick ever tried to talk to Rome he would bring a sassy remark, it was weird how right when pick laid his eyes on Rome's beautiful features he couldn't take his eyes off of him. Pick was under the spell of Rome's beauty.

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