Ocean | 04

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"Yes father?" Rome asked once he got home. He seen as his father looked furious.

"Why were you with pick! Do you not know who he is!" Here it was, here was the reason Rome couldn't be with pick. His father would use any source of hated against the male. Rome couldn't be happy with pick, in this life not everything ends like a happy fairytale.

"No father, I just went to get a smoothie." Rome grew tired of the lecture so he sat down. Rome was confused with what he was feeling toward pick was it love? Was it lust? Was it just he was tired of being single? Were these feeling even true feelings? Rome sighed. Rome's father had been watching Rome the entire time. Yes he looked mean, my god was he scary but he was a huge softy on the inside.

"What wrong son?" Rome's father asked in a voice full of pure love and concern.

"I am confused on how I feel towards someone?" Rome answered but it sounded more of a question.

"Boy or girl? It better to understand the gender so I can help better. You do know me and your mother will support you no matter what. Whoever you choose to love is your choice. We will always love you." Rome would always cry when his father spoke in his soft voice, in a way it calmed him. It made him feel safe and secure. His father was scary and many people were afraid of him, but if Rome or his mother had a rough day he would always try to lift the mood up. The complete scary and mean emotion would change into a sweet and caring one.


Rome come back from his third grade class. Rome had come home eyes blood red, a tear stained face and a broken, and hurt expression plastered on his once happy, giggly face.

"What wrong, Rome?" Rome's father asked. As he seen his son in such a vulnerable state.

"Someone hurt my feelings. They called me ugly." Rome said in between sobs. His beautiful face ruined by the pain in his heart. Rome such a sensitive child let the words of bully's pain his soul. His once happy expression changed into pain.

"Oh come here." Rome's father opened his arms so he could hug little Rome. Rome hesitantly hugged him, to afraid if he went into the embrace his already tearful eyes would shower out again. Indeed he was right once he felt the warmth and care from the soft hug his eyes broke like a faucet letting the once calm eyes, spout out the painful tears.

"Papa, am I really an ugly kid?" Rome was still crying in his fathers embrace. Rome was such a sensitive child. His little heart could only take so much. Rome tried to be strong but once he couldn't take it his tears would fall. The one thing Rome was happy about, was that he had his father to hold him and tell him everything would be okay.

Sometimes people just needed a hug and the loving support of someone they care about. Sometimes they just needed the words like 'everything will be okay' 'it's okay to cry' 'I'm here for you' even the smallest of words could help the most.

"No, who could say that about you. You're a perfect, handsome, beautiful person. You look just like your mother, and is your mother ugly or beautiful?"

"Beautiful." Rome said softly wiping his tears with the back of his hand.

"So that means so are you. Don't let those people hurt your feelings, okay? Let me tell you a secret, they're just jealous your better looking than them. They're insecure about themselves that's why they want to bring you down, don't let them hurt you. Rome you might look like your mother but you have my blood also, do you see me get hurt when people call me names or are mean to me?"

"No, but why papa they're being really mean to you. Does it not hurt your feelings?" Rome's father chuckled sadly. This was one of those moment where he could let's his concrete wall down.

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