Ocean | 03

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"Wear this, you might get cold" a fairy large sweater laid on Rome's lap.

Rome stared at the culprit who handed the sweater. Rome just stared not knowing what to do, should he run? Stay? Scream? Punch? It was stupid to think about what to do but the person sitting beside him is pick.


"What's wrong?" Pick asked, a bit of nervousness laced in the voice.

Rome stayed quiet, maybe if he was quiet enough pick wouldn't notice him. Maybe if Rome was quiet enough pick would get annoyed and walk away. Pick stared at the younger not knowing if he did something wrong, pick liked the younger but if Rome asked him to go away or told him to stop the feelings that consumed pick, pick would do everything in his power to suppress these feelings. Pick never once wanted to hurt Rome at least not intentionally.

"Do you want me to go?" Pick asked. He was about to walk away when he didn't hear any answer.

Rome finally had the courage to speak, he felt bad by the way pick looked at him.

"No it's fine." Rome whispered. Pick hid the smile that was forming at his lips.

"What's wrong? You look upset" pick always noticed when something was wrong with Rome, it was like a superpower.

"My father wants to have dinner with your family, and-." Rome stopped he wanted to ask 'are you the person I've been texting for the past 8 months?' But chose not to.

"Sure I'll tell my father, but what else were you going to tell me?" Pick seem the younger was hesitant.

"I have a girlfriend!" Rome blurted out, but instantly regretted when he seen the complete change in pick.

"Oh?" Pick's smiled faded as quick as it came. Pick liked the younger, no loved the younger.

Was this the moment pick so dreaded, having to move on from Rome? Was this the moment pick felt so much pain knowing someone would kiss Rome. Someone would hug Rome. Someone would help wipe Rome's tears. Someone would be in Rome's life not as a friend but as a lover. Was it at this moment that hurt most, knowing that, the someone pick was talking about wouldn't be pick?

But another. Another person that had Rome's heart. Rome's love. They would have Rome and his beautiful personality.

Was this the moment pick, stopped loving the younger? Or should he fought for him, let him go, stay, tell Rome his feelings? What would be the right choice? Why does it have to hurt so much, when you find out you can't be with the one you love.

"Is she nice? Do you love her?" Pick asked, his heart hurting with the questions he asked. It wasn't the questions he hurt from but from the answers that would come after. Pick's heart would break if Rome really did love her. It wrong, and pick knows it but can't he be a bit selfish? Can't he just be selfish and tell Rome to stop loving her? To stop caring for her?

Was it so wrong for pick to just want Rome to himself?....yes it was wrong on many levels. Pick knew he can't force Rome to love him. He can't force someone to feel something they didn't.

The sad thing about having a crush on someone is, you never really know if they like you back.

Pick looked at the younger since he still hadn't answered.

"I mean, I- I don't have a girlfriend." Rome said looking at his legs. To afraid to look pick in the eyes. To afraid to show pick his feelings.

"But you said you did?" Pick questioned with confusion laced in his voice.

"I know. I know what I said it's just, how can I tell you?"

"You can tell anything."pick worded out

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