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The warm summer sunlight fell onto my face from the slight opening from my window curtains. The warmth of the light made my eyes flutter open, letting the dream that was hiding behind them disappear, waiting to be revisited another day. I lift my head off of my pillow, letting my energy finally kick in. "Alexa, play  "Destiny" by Neffex." I whisper loud enough for my so-called house assistant to hear. I let the upbeat, meaningful song fill my ear, blocking out any song, and letting my thoughts be completely be erased and replaced with the lyrics. Unknowingly I sing along. "I just wanna be the best at what I know..." I sing softly while getting dressed for yet another day at school.

I sit softly in the grass during our lunch break. The morning dew on the grass fazed through my skirt, allowing me to feel the coldness of the water against my thigh. I felt the palm of another's hand against the top of my head as the familer voice filled my head. "Hey Kana." I turned my head to the side to see the face of Noah, my childhood friend. "Noah... Hey." I greeted him quietly. Forgetting to conceal my true feelings and pretend like I was happy. He nodded softly before sitting down beside me. "Y'know Kana, sometimes you just gotta realize the world is too beautiful to waste your time being angry or sad when you could be enjoying what life has to offer." He said quietly, in a soft tone. I put my head softly on his shoulder and smiled a bit."The world isn't the problem. It's the people that populate it. That's what makes me think otherwise and forget the beauty that it has to offer."

I sat in the back of the class, drawing and scribbling down in my notebook. "An invisible red thread connects those who are destined to meet, regardless of time, place, and circumstance. The thread may stretch or tangle. But it will never break.” My head picked up as I heard my teacher described our current lesson plan. The Red String of Fate. One of the many things that can spark my interest. It was one of my favorite things to learn about. The thought of two unknown lovers being connected by a red string that was said to be tied to people who were meant to be in  a relationship was interesting. It makes me think... Am I somehow connected to someone by a red string and I just do not know it yet?

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 01, 2019 ⏰

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