Chapter 1

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Crowkit hid in the shadows of the nursery, his tiny white tail tip twitching. The orange and black butterfly slowly fluttered past him. Her narrowed his icy blue eyes, getting ready to pounce. With a heave he launched himself towards the insect, his two front paws flailing as his missed the butterfly and landed with a skid of dirt. He heard chuckling behind him and shot a toxic look over his shoulder to look at two giggling white she-cats. One with green eyes and slightly darker spots and one pure white with blue eyes.

"Great pounce, oh mighty hunter." The blue eyed she-cat, Icekit teased. "You're so impressive."

Crowkit spat at her, sticking his nose in the air. "I don't have to listen to you." He lashed his tail. "I'm older."

"That doesn't mean anything birdbrain." Frostkit laughed. "It just means you're bigger than us, but I bet when we're both warriors I'll be the stronger one."

"Plus you're only a moon older than us." Icekit added, licking her tiny forepaw. "And even that is just barely."

"Maybe you'll be stronger than Featherdawn's kits." Frostkit glanced over her shoulder at the small bundle of three kits at the white and gray she-cat's belly. "But if your hunting skills remain the same as catching that butterfly I'm sure all three of them will be a better warrior than you."

Crowkit swiped at the teasing sisters, their words didn't actually hurt them. He knew he would be a fantastic warrior, and he also knew that the two she-cats meant well. Crowkit didn't have his own sister, since she died the day they were born, but Frostkit and Icekit felt like his sisters.

"Be quiet you three." Crowkit heard the familiar groan of his mother, Riverlight. Attempting to sleep in her nest, but her eyes were half-open as she glared at the three kits.

"Sorry, Riverlight." Frostkit apologized. "Can we go outside for a bit so we don't wake you."

"Yes, just let me sleep." Riverlight groaned, closing her eyes and seemingly trying to ignore the kits. Crowkit let out a small sigh at his mother, but followed Frostkit and Icekit out of the nursery and into MoonClan's camp. The sun was high and MoonClan was starting to get active. Crowkit winced at the light, wishing for the night already. When he could see the moon and stars. He couldn't understand why SunClan loved the sun so much, but he supposed they thought the same thing about MoonClan.

Crowkit looked behind him at the burrow that was the nursery, where his mother slept. Crowkit's mother constantly slept, Blossomfrost would play with and have fun with her kits but Riverlight wouldn't. Sometimes Crowkit couldn't even get her to talk to him, he would fall asleep beside her and when he woke; she would move.

Crowkit's father, however, was constantly visiting and bringing him out to play. "She was devastated by the loss of your sister, I'm sure she'll be better once you're an apprentice. Being in the nursery is upsetting for her." Crowkit was four moons old, and wished he could be an apprentice everyday. He wanted his mother to feel better, and he didn't blame her for being upset over the loss of Ravenkit. Crowkit wished he could've met his sister, sometimes he would dream of a pure black kit with icy blue eyes. The same eyes as him, only he had white markings. He had white ear tips, tail tip a dash on his chest and a single white paw.

Crowkit sometimes wondered if Riverlight blamed him for the death of Ravenkit, but Blacksky assured him that it was just sadness making her the way she was. Crowkit shook away thoughts of his mother and focused on Frostkit and Icekit. "Where should we go?" He questioned the two kits.

"We should go see our father!" Icekit suggested.

"What if he's busy?" Frostkit asked.

"We're his kits, he can't be too busy for us!" Without waiting for a response, Icekit bounded towards the leader's den. The leader's den was a large, stone den near the back of camp. Crowkit awkwardly followed the, Owlstar wasn't his father. He kept his eyes peeled for his father's black fur, but saw no sign of him.

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