Chapter 19

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 Crowpaw jumped forward, his claws catching the mouse with ease. He killed it with a swift bite and turned around to face his hunting partner, Leo. The large golden tom nodded, his amber eyes glowing. "Not bad." He purred. "You've really proven yourself around here."

"Thanks." Crowpaw held his high, feeling pride wash over him. He had been hunting with the group for several days now and had easily slipped back into the way of hunting. He learned that cats hunted in pairs around here, he didn't know why but he did know that he enjoyed hunting with friends. Normally he hunted with Ivy or Flint, but today Leo asked him to go hunting.

Crowpaw didn't know much about Leo, but he knew he was an incredibly nice cat. He played with his kits constantly and was a great hunter. Crowpaw had enjoyed his day hunting with Leo and each of them had caught several pieces of prey so far. It was early into leaf-fall, and leaf-bare would be here soon so the more prey they caught the better.

Crowpaw hadn't expected to find this group, but he was glad he did. He would have a warm den to stay during the cold season and they had a cat killed with herbs. "Let's keep hunting." Leo said. "We should each try to catch at least one more piece of prey." Crowpaw agreed and the two of them went in separate directions to cover more ground.

Crowpaw padded towards the river, knowing of a spot where mice would go frequently, he almost always had luck there. Crowpaw padded towards the section with a slight skip in his step. He was genuinely happy living here, and he hoped to stay for at least a little while longer.

It wasn't long before Crowpaw caught the scent of mouse, but he also caught another scent. It smelled of cat, but it wasn't familiar to him. Crowpaw looked around, he couldn't find the cat or any evidence that they had been here. He supposed that there would be other cats around here, Cooper and his cats didn't necessarily own the forest, they just lived there.

Crowpaw shrugged and continued his hunt. The smell of mice grew stronger and the smell of cat faded. Soon, Crowpaw only focused on his hunt, forgetting about the cat scent completely. Near a large bush was a mouse, sniffing around for its own food. Crowpaw dropped into a crouch and crept forward.

He was getting ready to pounce when he heard a noise from a few taillengths away, it sounded like a snapping twig. Crowpaw's ears twitched and the mouse began to run. No! Crowpaw hissed and ran after it, hoping to still catch it. He kept his eyes on the mouse and managed to catch it before it vanished into the forest. Crowpaw looked around, knowing that he didn't make the sound himself. If Leo nearly scared away my prey I'm going to be very upset. Crowpaw snorted.

A second later, Crowpaw felt a heavy weight hit him and he rolled across the forest floor. Sharp claws dug into his pelt and ripped at his skin. Crowpaw hissed in pain and shock, his face muffled by gray tabby fur. Crowpaw unsheathed his claws and lashed out at his attacker. The cat on top of him attacked harder, digging his claws even deeper into Crowpaw's body.

Crowpaw struggled from the pain, he sank his teeth into the cat's foreleg and bit down as hard as he possibly could. The cats blood was sour on his tongue and he let out a harsh hiss in Crowpaw's ear. Crowpaw bit down harder, refusing to let go.

Pain ripped down Crowpaw's side and he felt teeth in his scruff. The attacking cat tore him off his leg and threw Crowpaw across the forest floor. He felt rocks digging into his already burning pelt. Crowpaw quickly scrambled to his paws, facing his attacker. It was a cat he had never seen before, a gray tabby with a malicious tabby eyes. He had a long scar along his jaw and another across one of his forepaws.

"I've never seen you around here before." The rogue snarled with a slight chuckle in his voice. Blood spilled from the bite wound on his leg. "Didn't expect you to fight so hard."

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