Chapter 7

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 "Frostpaw! Icepaw! Frostpaw! Icepaw!" The cats of MoonClan cheered their new apprentices while Frostpaw and Icepaw held their heads high and their eyes shimmered. Owlstar looked down at them with pride in his green eyes. Crowpaw watched as Frostpaw and Icepaw approached their mentors Smokeleaf and Sootmask, asking what they would be doing first.

Crowpaw looked towards Silverpool who was watching with excitement, he wondered what he and Silverpool would be doing today as well. He turned his head back towards Frostpaw and Icepaw who were bounding happily over to him.

"We'll get to train together now!" Frostpaw exclaimed, nearly jumping off the ground with joy. "And share a den again."

"I'll make sure both of you have a nest in the apprentice den." Crowpaw promised. The apprentice den was incredibly crowded, but he felt that it would feel a lot better to him now that Icepaw and Frostpaw would be sleeping in it now. He normally slept near the back, alone. Something he had grown used to being in the nursery with Riverlight, but now he actually had two cats to be close to.

"Let's get out there, you two." Sootmask mewed with amusement in his voice and amber eyes twinkling. Smokeleaf stepped in close behind him, looking at the two new apprentices.

"We're going on a tour of the territory." Icepaw explained, casting a glance up at Smokeleaf.

"Hopefully you're lucky and you'll meet a SunClan patrol like I did." Crowpaw purred, remembering his first day as an apprentice when he met the group of SunClan cats.

"That would be awesome!" Frostpaw jumped up, whirling towards Sootmask. "Will we? I've never seen a cat from another Clan, Blossomfrost wouldn't let us go see the LichenClan cats when they showed up."

Sootmask chuckled. "We'll have to see if there's a patrol out at the same time we are." He nudged Frostpaw towards the entrance. "Now let's go, we have a lot of territory to see."

"See you later, Crowpaw!" Frostpaw called over her shoulder as she and her sister made their way out of camp. Crowpaw felt happy watching the two she-cats excitedly embark on their first day as MoonClan apprentices. He had high hopes that with them being apprentices, Clan life would become easier for him now. He would have something else to focus on other than his mother.

When Icepaw and Frostpaw were out of sight he looked up at Silverpool. "What are we doing today?" He questioned. Silverpool looked back down, the silver she-cat thinking for a moment.

"We'll probably go hunting, you could use more practice hunting rabbits." Silverpool stood up, stretching out her legs.

"What, the lesson you gave me as a kit wasn't enough?" Crowpaw questioned with a teasing laugh, recalling the day he played a game with Silverpool and was rewarded with hunting training.

"I'm afraid you need more than one lesson." She flicked her tail over Crowpaw's ears. "Let's go." Crowpaw stood up and began following his mentor. He glanced around camp before they left, looking for Blacksky but he wasn't there for the ceremony. He assumed that he was out training Cinderpaw. Crowpaw knew he would see him later and followed Silverpool out onto the moor.

Crowpaw breathed in the fresh air of the moorland, lined with scents of heather and rabbit. The vast territory of MoonClan spread out before him, his paws itching to run. He kept his nose in the air, trying to scent a rabbit close by. He kept his blue eyes peeled for any movement and noticed Silverpool doing the same. The walked across the moorland when Crowpaw caught a strong scent of rabbit on the wind. He stopped walking and scanned the area for any sight of the creature.

Silverpool must've scented the same rabbit because she stopped moving as well. "The rabbit is this way." She turned and began leading Crowpaw away from the SunClan border. The two walked with light, silent steps. Several fox-lengths away, Crowpaw spotted the rabbit, large and plump. His mouth watered at the sight of it and he looked at Silverpool for instruction.

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