08. If We Were A Movie

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Ryou would be lying if he said that he wasn’t happy that Akane had decided to accompany them to the tournament. From what Yugi had told him, she wasn’t that much of a duelist, which meant she was coming strictly to support her friends. He found it a bit shocking, due to her cold exterior, but also quite comforting.

She walked besides him, arms crossed and eyes rather unimpressed. She was always frowning in some sort of way, or simply not expressing at all. Deadpan and bored seemed to be her default.

“What sort of things are you interested in, Akane-san?” he asked, figuring that if he couldn’t be included in Yugi’s conversation, he could start his own. Akane stared at him for a long few moments, somewhere between shocked and annoyed that he had spoken to her. Talking to this girl really did feel like walking on eggshells sometimes.

Still, her shoulders relaxed a bit and her arms uncrossed from her chest, hands slipping into the back pocket of her jeans. In the back of his mind, he heard a voice hiss that this was a sign of trust, she was letting her guard down.

He ignored it and tried not to stare down at her cleavage.

“I mostly just watch movies in my free-time,” she shrugged, keeping her eyes trained forward.

“Oh, that’s interesting!” A movie buff, he could work with this, “What sort of movies do you watch?”

“Splatter and horror,” she replied flatly, “Occasionally thriller, but it has to be pretty fucked up for me to like it.”

Ryou pressed his lips into the shape of a smile, blinking a few times, as if his face froze as his brain processed the information. Of course, why was he so shocked? Not only was this girl terrifying in aura, but also in her interests.

“Anything else?” he tried not to whimper.

Her cheeks flushed a little as she looked purposefully to the right, the complete opposite direction of him, “I guess I also like ghost stories and stuff, you know, the paranormal.”

Ryou’s eyes lit up a bit, “Me too! Did you ever visit the Tower of London when you lived in the England?”

Akane’s frown turned into a bit of a grin, “Yeah, always got a funky vibe from there. My parent’s place backs right on to a cemetery. When I was younger, I used to hide around the house to scare the help. A lot of them believed the house to be haunted in the first place, sooo…”

She blushed a little more, looking a bit sheepish, “I guess I was a bit of a demon child.”

“No, it sounds like fun,” he smiled at her, trying his best to seem approachable. This Akane, with pink on her cheeks, looking sheepish as she told stories about her childhood, was very different from the usual Akane.

She moved just a bit closer to him, so little that if the voice in his head hadn’t noticed, he wouldn’t have either.

“Have you ever played Hide and Seek alone?”

Maybe Akane wasn’t as scary as she seemed.


Those Who Mourn the Wicked [Ryou Bakura/Yami Bakura x OC]Where stories live. Discover now