Fearing Sam

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Grunting in pain, laying on your good side. "Don't bleed on my seats." Sam says over his shoulder. Sitting up, pulling open the seat. Crawling into his trunk, laying your blanket down before curling up. "Hey! No sleeping! You gotta keep your eyes open." Dean says. With your good hand, you close the seat up. The darkness washes over you, as you close your eyes.

Hearing shouting and feel someone shaking you. "I'm fine just need sleep, I've had worse." You say in a broken voice from all the crying. "See? She's fine. She knows better then lie to me." Sam says making you freeze. You open your almost dead eyes. "See Sam? Look at her eyes." Dean says. You slowly climb out, stumbling out when you land. Walking over to Sam. "Like I said. I only need to sleep it off." You say bleeding all over yourself. Falling to your knees, as your head lulls to your chest. "Fuck. I'm fine." You mumbled, looking at your cut up arm. Swaying before falling back, hitting your head. "Shit! I got this." You say. Everything is spinning, as you lift your head. Swaying sitting up, holding up your head. Slowly getting up on shaking legs, can't walk a straight line. Shaking your head, clearing it for a second. Losing your balance on your mark. Crying out when, landing on your bad side. "See? Got it, nothing to worry about. I'm fine all I need is sleep." You say before closing the trunk. That's the last thing you remember before your eyes closed.

Waking up crying out in pain. Your phone woke you up. "Hello?" Your voice broken.

"Hey you okay? Cars ready." Blaze says concerned.

"How long has it been?" You asked.

"A week. I worked on your car nonstop, so you can go home." He says.

"I'll be fine. Don't worry." You say hanging up. "If you can hear me, my car's ready!" You yelled. The seat opens up. "Come up here." Dean replied. You crawl, crying out when the blanket starts unsticking from your body. Pulling yourself out quickly, before whimpering loudly. "I need to pick up my car." You groan. Sam reached back pulling the chain tight. "Was that a demand pet?" Sam asked. "No master! Please? Let me pick up my car, so we can go home." You whimper. "Sam enough. Let's get her car." Dean growls taking the chain from him. "Thank you sir." You say slumping over his shoulder. Bringing your injured arm around his chest. Burying your face into his neck. Knowing it's weird to wear his skin, but you don't care.

Releasing Dean before getting out. Limping to the stairs, leaning on the side you walk up the stairs. Stumbling at the top. Limping your way to the door, falling into the room on your knees. "What the fuck? Winter! Are you okay?" Blaze says kneeling down, picking your face up as it lulls down. "I'm fine, I've had worse." You say leaning against him. "Have you looked in a mirror lately?" He asked. "Nope. It's been two months. Anywho. My keys and the rest of the money." You say holding out your injured hand. "Winter fucking Winchester!" He yelled. Jumping out popping your head out seeing nothing you sighed. "Shut up! They don't know I used that name!" You yell swaying. He looks behind him, noticing the switch is on. And the camera shows the brothers running in. "Great! Now I'm dead. Keys now!" You yelled. He hands you the keys. You take off sliding down the rail. Flying past them, landing before sliding on your knees to the door to the basement. Sitting on the rail sliding down faster. Landing on your feet. Hitting your key turning on your lights. Walking over, popping the trunk, seeing the money you close it. Climbing in hitting a button under your seat, making the platform raise up to the roof as the roof slowly opens. Starting it up, flipping your lights on groaning when you move.

When it gets to the top, seeing two angry brothers. Unlocking your doors. Relaxes when Dean gets in. But freeze when Sam gets to your door, gulping rolling down your window. "You are in so much trouble pet." He leaned down growling grabbing your hair pulling. You whimper. "Sam! Enough! Fuck let's go!" Dean yelled. Sam pulls hard before kissing you, he lets go walking away as the window goes back up. "He's going to kill me.." You whispered. Looking up into your mirror and saw your blood splattered face. Your windows tinted you sigh. Turning your car on again and it seemed louder.

Pulling forward following Sam, he get into his car speeding off. You followed just as fast groaning, everytime you moved your left side. The corner coming up, drifting crying out when you hit your door making you swerve. "Okay stop. You want to drive than drive but nothing else. Understand pet?" Dean asked. "Yes sir." You said getting back in your lane. Biting your lip hard to keep the noises in. Speeding up to Sam passing him, taking the corner fast as Sam drifts around perfectly. You're still faster but it's dangerous. "Pet.." Dean warns. "I'm fine! No painful noises." You say. Fucking up as you swerve before shaking your head to clear it. Reaching over, opening your glove box to get your cigarettes before slamming it. Lighting it as you roll down the window. It wakes you up some, squinting your left eye to keep the smoke out. Sam pulls up next to you, jumping up startled. "Holy shit! How long has he been there?" You asked. "When you started nodding off." Dean replied. "I was not." You say this taking a drag, putting it in your good hand crossing it over to the window rolling it all the way down. "I think I know my own faces." Dean replied. "I wasn't, I was trying to clear my head." You explained. Popping your head out, only pulling it in to take a drag or to shift. When you're done you flick it away. Leaning your head back the cold air hitting your face. "Fuck this." You say slowing down, pulling off the road. Climbing halfway out your window, sitting down. Stretching your upper body against your hood. "What the fuck are you doing?" Sam asked from his car. "15 minutes is all I'm asking for." You answer. Sitting up taking a deep breath in, turning you slowly exhale. Loud popping is heard as the cars turn off. Sam cocks an eyebrow. Repeating this to the other side, it's louder with the cars off. Pulling yourself on your top of your car, on your back.

Sliding your hips to the edge, taking another deep breath. Before letting your legs go, exhaling as your back pops on the edge, this time it is even louder. Landing on your feet slamming into your car causing it to shake. "Fuck!" You say laughing. It takes a second to stand. Climbing up your roof, walking over to Dean side. Stopping when gets out. Turning your head noticing Sam is sitting on his hood watching.

Leaning back as your hands go over your head, till your hands touch the roof. Walking backwards into an arch your back pops more, your arm begs you to stop but you push on. Lifting your legs, ignoring the brothers groan. lifting down before curling your injured arm to your chest, keep going 3 more times before placing your hand down. Going back down, before pushing up flipping your legs back flying through the air landing on your feet. "When did you Learn that?" They asked. "When I left, it helps me wake up. And on long drives, took awhile for me to do that." You replied leaning back on your car lighting up. "You guys enjoy the show?" You asked chuckling. "We would've if you changed into a chick." They say.

"I can't right now. I'm stuck like this, I do this when I'm bleeding out sorry." You explained taking another drag. Standing up pulling your arms above your head. Leaning forward until your hands touched the ground. Slowly standing back up to pull yourself up on your roof, sitting down. Your feet on your window ledge. Smoking with your good arm, your other curled around your chest. "You need to tell us these things. We need to know." Dean says. "I'm fine. I had worse, at least I can drive this time." You mumbled the last part. "You keep saying that. Can you drive for two days like this? Or are we going to be doing this every four hours? " Dean says. "We stop to get gas, you get it. Look at me! I look like I'm about to die or like I went out on a murder spree! Let just go before something happens." You say climbing in through your window. Looking for your keys, punching your wheel when you realize Dean has them. "Son of a bitch!" You hiss in pain. Sam comes up. "No more lies. If you can't do this, I need to know. Dean tells me everything. You need a break? Pull the fuck over. Here." He says pulling the chain off and the bracelet. Handing you, your keys. Slowly start to heal, pulling his face to yours kissing him. "Thank you master." You say before starting your car. Waiting for Dean to get in. He climbed in shutting his door, pulling out as Sam drives beside you.

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