Driver picks the music shotgun shuts his piehole.

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Getting cold so you roll up your window. Grabbing your phone plugging it in, it lights up showing a picture of hellfire. Unlocking it shows the brothers glaring at the camera. Hitting your playlist on shuffle. Fractured by Diecast blasted through your speakers, Blaze left your bass on sweet. Reaching up your phone pulls from your hand, as the magnet attaches. Singing along freaking Dean out when you match the screaming. Your gas light comes on. "Shit!" You yell. Pulling off the exit following signs to the gas station. Pulling up to the pump, turning to Dean. "Gas, jerky, and a rockstar." You say handing him your tank keys for your tank and a 100. Hitting a button popping open the lid. He flashed his black eyes at you, handing your money back before getting out. Closing your eyes, was a mistake.

Your door opens, waking up swinging when your fist hits. Your eyes shoot open, but relax when finding out Sam caught your fist. Looking over Dean already back. "You good? You were shouting and fighting in your sleep." Dean says. "I'm good." You say before turning to Sam, who has your fist before letting go. "Winter." He say kneeling down. "Sorry. I didn't mean to fall asleep." You say sitting up. "I'm good really, I haven't been this good since before you locked me up." You say before groaning in pain. Your arm hit your frame and blood filled your mouth. Quickly shoving Sam away, before bolting to the trashcan puking up blood.

Stumbling back to your car, before swaying. Falling in your seat. "Is that blood?" You heard Sam ask. "Yeah." You say wiping your lips. Pulling off your shirt, leaning your seat back closing the door. But rolls the window down, letting Sam watch you. Hitting a button on your roof. Judging by the cussing it's bad. Looking down, your left side is black and deep purple. Running your fingers down, biting your lip to keep the noises in. It's worse than you thought, fuck. "Shit!" You yelled punching your door in anger. "Let's just go." You say sitting your seat up. "I don't know? Maybe we can get a motel for the night." Sam says. "I promised I would pull over if I need it." You remind him. He growls before leaving, you hit the button again shutting off the light. Rolling up your window and turning on your car. Chuckling, running your hands up your face and through your hair before pulling. Letting go punching your wheel and door. Screaming as Lip crashing into your car, filled your head. Didn't even feel it. Dean pulls you to him holding you, until you calm down. "I'm sorry." You say pulling your walls up. They can't know how you feel. Hitting play on your phone, the beast within by in this moment plays as you pull out.

It's dark outside, the light from inside your car is hitting your face. Your eyes glowing bright blue. No idea why, noticing Dean watching you closely, as Sam pulls up beside me. "What?" You asked. "It's like looking into a mirror, the eyes right now? Not so much." He replied. "Your freaking me out, can you stop it." You say flipping a switch to turn the light off. Venom by eminem comes on. Finally able to cry, as you turn up the music louder. Your rib hurts so bad, bitting your lip from crying out. Your head starts hurting, the shaking alerts Dean. He turns the music down a little, so you guys can talk. "How you holding up?" He says. "I'm good. Just a headache." Your voice sounded very broken. "Pull over now." He says in a voice that dares you to argue. Flipping your lights on as you pull over, drifting to the side stopping at the edge and you know he sees your tear streaked face. Bolting outside before sliding to your knees, burying your face in your hands. Letting everything go, not even realize both brothers holding you. Crying out in pain from the crying, almost pasted out from the pain. Your mouth fills with blood again, this time you just leaned to the side. Moving Dean as you're hit by your lights. Puking nothing but blood. "Can we just sleep here for a little bit? Or no, I better just drive. Come on." You say getting to your feet. "Why are you doing this to yourself Winter? Let one of us drive." Sam started but Dean finished. "Because it feels like I have to. Just to have you keep me. You left me chained up by myself. In the dark for a month! Forgot about me, even after I opened up to you. As for the other? No one is driving my car but me. Sorry. But just no. Now. Let's just go before it gets any later." You explained that getting in. "Wow. So that is what you think of us? That we'll just leave? If you open up." Sam says. You scuff. "The one time I did. The one time that happened. So yeah. That's what I think. You want me to open up? fine. I'm fucking terrified okay? With having you guys back. I'm terrified of screwing up so bad, that you guys leave! Or? The fact I might be dying, and I can't do anything about it! Yes. I have worse, you seen my old skin and heard my voice. It didn't always squeak. And that's why I got pissed, there was a reason why it sounded like that. So please. Tell me I have nothing to worry about." You say shaking, leaning on your knees before looking up at them. Huffing at their expressions. Shaking your head, before getting in the rest of the way. Slamming your door, cracking your window. "When you figure it out. Let me know, until then I'm driving home. If you don't want me, you know my cell number." You say before rolling up your window. Peeling out, flipping your lights off going completely dark. Hoping that doesn't bite you in the ass. Shouldn't have said anything. Flipping your bass off so they can't find you. This time you're not playing, shouldn't be driving like this. It's been an hour and still haven't seen Sam's car. This is how your life works.

Winchester's Girl (Dean×Sam×Winter)Where stories live. Discover now