Chapter 2

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???'s POV
God was I pissed off. I ended up with another fight with Mark. I rubbed my forehead as I walked through different neighborhoods to clear my head.
I then immediately smelled something strange and heard a small crash. A lot like glass shattering.
I ran my hand through my jet black locks as I walked closer to the where the noise came from. I ended up coming across a house with two men dressed in black walking out of it.
I saw one of them holding quite a big item making me curious.
Now usually I'd be perfectly fine with robbing or a break in due to how I was made, but something definitely seemed off about all of this.

I walked closer to the home, staying out of sight from the two guys. I turned my head to make sure they weren't heading back over here. The coast was clear, so I looked in the window and saw a horrific sight.
A man drenched in dark red blood and bruises sat, tied to a chair. Blood dripped from the chair and onto the floor.
I growled realizing that those guys did this. Even I wasn't one to go crazy and murder someone without reason, another of Marks egos however would.
I pushed the window open and hopped into the house. I walked around until I came across steps. I walked upstairs looking around.

I came across a room with the door wide open, exposing toys, bright colors, and a small bed. This was a child's room.
I gasped as I put everything together. The dead man, the men carrying that strangely bigger object.
That wasn't even an object, it was a kid! I ran down the stairs and bursted out the front door.
I ran the direction I saw them go in. Which was in the woods.
Deep laughter and a light amount of smoke surrounded the area.
I waved my hand a bit in the air in front of my mouth and nose, giving a slight gag. I knew exactly what the smell was, cigarettes.

I saw the man holding the kid walk into a shack, while the other stayed outside for a quick smoke. I stuck my tongue out in disgust.
I went around trees until I was behind the man who was smoking.
He threw his cigarette to the ground and crushed it out with his shoe. I snuck up behind him, wrapping my arm around his neck.
He struggled and tried to break free of my grasp, but to no success.
His face went bright red, then soon pale. His body went limp and I dropped him into the dirt.
I turned around, kicking the door down. I saw the kid laid down on a metal table with messy hair and ripped clothes.
The man came out from behind a curtain after hearing the loud noise I made.
He grew nervous and pulled out a gun from his back pocket.
I smiled devilishly, my eyes glowing red. I then ran to him forcing him into the wall. I pulled his face close then threw it back to the wall several times until he was knocked out and some blood came out.
I looked down and saw I was covered with some blood.

"Great, now I'm gonna have to take a shower." I groaned before stepping over the man and heading over to the unconscious child.
I moved the hair out of the kids face, seeing it was a little girl. She had several bruises on her face and arms, with definite scratches.
I picked her up and rested her on my hip allowing her head to rest into my chest.
I walked out of the shack, speaking softly to the girl.

"You're gonna be safe now.. I promise."

Daddy's Little Girl (Darkiplier X Child Reader) |COMPLETED|Where stories live. Discover now