Part 1

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Your pov
What is he going to say? I was currently with my manager, discussing my latest problem, I have a stalker! At first, we were all convinced that it was just some crazed fan or something, however what happened the week before showed otherwise:

Flashback; last week
Once a week, I'm allowed to go eat/relax/do whatever I want without anyone I don't necessarily need with me, to protect me or do anything for me. To be honest, I needed this; it gave me time to just think and relax properly, with the people I loved. However, today, something didn't feel right. I was in a shop, after leaving my best friend to look at clothes, but I wasn't alone. Obviously I wasn't the only person in there, but the feeling I got just wasn't right. I cautiously scanned the shop to find a man dressed in all black, in the corner, just staring at me. I tried to ignore him as I paid for my things and left the shop. But as I walked to get to my car, I opened my car door to see in the corner of my eye, the same person from the store. All he did was stand there and stare once again, from the middle of the carpark at me. He barely even moved. The fact that his face was covered didn't help at all. Looking more carefully at him, he had a black hoodie on, with a light blue symbol on the front. At this point, I had realised it was the same guy who came to all my concerts recently and tried his best at every fan meeting to get close to me. Even then, he would just stare, motionless, wearing the same hoodie, maybe so I would remember him? Suddenly, he moved to get something out of his pocket and pointed it at me. It didn't take me even a second to realise it was a gun! Luckily, my self defense lessons taught me to move quickly and that's what I did. As he shot, I ducked in my car and shut the door. The bullet hit the side and I managed to drive back home. Ever since that day, people have been really careful to protect me from him.

Present day
"Y/N", my manager spoke, "we have decided it's for the best that we get you a new bodyguard." Part of me expected this but at the same time, I already had plenty of bodyguards.
"What did you mean? I already have like 6 bodyguards, what difference is another one going to make?" I questioned.
"This bodyguard will be different. His name is Min Yoongi and he is one of the most experienced and best bodyguards out there. He will be perfect for your protection. Furthermore, unlike the other bodyguards, he will stay with you 24/7. Got it?" This time, I completely understood but I didn't like it one bit. With me 24/7? No way. I need some freedom from protection.
"No," I simply stated.
"Y/N, this stalker is literally out to kill you. You need Yoongi!" Y/M/N has his serious face on but I wasn't giving in yet.
"You think I don't already know that?! I can take care of myself. The other bodyguards are enough, we don't need more. I got away from him last time. I was fine-"
Y/M/N interrupted.
"-because you were lucky enough to see him. What if you didn't? You would be dead! I'm sorry, Y/N, but your defense skills just aren't enough to ensure your safety right now. (Sigh) Yoongi will be here any minute." I tried to control my stubbornness as I sat and waited for the new bodyguard to arrive. I should at least meet him, right?
A few minutes later, the door opened, and in came a woman, who looked about my age with a few others behind who looked like her assistants. After they walked in, my eyes laid on a man, striding in the room.

He had black shoes, tight jeans and a t-shirt on and in contrast, his hair was bleached to look white with a hint of blond, covering his cold, yet tired looking eyes. I immediately realised he was Yoongi. However, it took me quite by surprise. He looked quite young, maybe my age, and my other guards were much older as they had years of experience. He also didn't look as big or strong as the others, with his lower height and thinner body almost opposite to my bodyguards.
I broke my gaze from him when I heard my manager. "Y/N, meet Min Yoongi, your new bodyguard."
I decided to just be humble at first and greet him normally.
"Hello, Min Yoongi. Nice to meet you." My voice was quiet but clear as he was now next to me.
We shook hands as he spoke.
"Likewise, Miss Y/L/N, Y/N." When I first heard his voice, I was shocked. How is it that deep? I didn't expect that. Actually, I should've because despite his less intimidating look compared to the more built up, bigger bodyguards, his stare alone gives me shivers.
Looking in his eyes at this moment, they were extremely cold and unreadable. I couldn't imagine how they looked when they were full of anger. Truthfully, I don't wish to find out anytime soon. Then, the woman spoke up, telling us she was Yoongi's manager.
"I am H/M/N. Y/M/N?" She looked at my manager, like she was expecting something.
"Oh of course. This way Miss." Y/M/N led her to the other room. She probably wants him to pay her for Yoongi's work. I couldn't help but feel guilty for needing more protection. If he is as good as my manager says, who knows how much money she is demanding from him right now.

It was silent in the room now, H/M/N's assistants left to go in the other room and so it was only me and Yoongi in this room still. He sat next to me and after a while, decided to speak to him.
"Um...sooo how long have you been a bodyguard for?" He slowly turned to me and stared with his brown eyes.
"Don't feel like you need to make conversation with me. I'll be your bodyguard so you don't necessarily need to speak to me. Just stay near me at all times. I will do my job. You don't need to do anything."
His voice was nothing more than a mumble. But, he was quite straightforward with his words and it kind of annoyed me. To me, it was like he didn't want to talk to me or even be here by the way he stayed silent with everyone and barely bothered to put in efforts to show his skills for the job to me.
"For your information, I'm only trying to make conversation to be nice. I don't need your help protecting me. Your here because my manager asked for you, not me." I didn't want him thinking I was weak and reliant on men. I looked at him when I was finished with my sentence.
His eyes were slightly wider open, as if he was surprised by my words.
"Oh really? I'd like to see how you prove that." Despite his slightly taken aback look at my statement, his voice remained a low murmur, almost as if he wasn't interested in what I said at all or he was making fun of what I said. At this point, I already didn't like him. He is much more talkative than the other guys. He doesn't take me seriously. I just have to hope he keeps out of my way when doing his 'job', or I don't know how I'll go ahead with staying with him for a minute, never mind 'at all times'...
To be continued

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