Part 3

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Yoongi POV
It was the next morning. I woke up in the guest room, which Miss Y/L/N's manager had chose to be my room. It was pretty much just as comfortable as the rest of the rooms I was given when doing my job. I should be grateful but I'm just kind of used to it by now. The one thing that I wasn't used to was Miss Y/L/N.

From the second she first saw me, I could tell she didn't want me to be there. She may or may not like me personally, but it was also because she just didn't want a new bodyguard. In the few years I've had this job, I've never guarded a celebrity that didn't mind me being around. Come to think of it, they didn't even try to protect themselves or do anything for themselves at all and let me do all the work for them instead. Miss Y/L/N is different, which could either be good or bad for me. At this moment, it was leaning more to bad. But I'll deal with it anyway.

Time skip
Today has been a normal day so far. Miss Y/N was taken out once again to meet with some 'celebrity friends', and I say that sarcastically since she didn't seem so keen on really meeting them at all. I, of course, accompanied her. They had met in the afternoon and now it was leading to evening time.

They said their goodbyes and it was just me and her left, as we made our way outside the restaurant, we headed to my car.
Miss Y/N came to a stop all of a sudden.
"Can I get some ice cream?" She asked in a childlike tone. Seriously? Now?
"No. It's quite late and you just ate in the restaurant." I was showing some annoyance in my voice but I didn't care.
"So what if its late - its not that late! We didn't get dessert, please?" Her childish tone remained and since I didn't wish to hear that on the way home, I did what she asked. I got her one.

I paid for the ice cream and turned to give it to her, only to find she was gone. Where the hell is she?! Is she that stupid to not only leave my side on her own, but when its starting to go dark too?!
Within a second, I dropped the ice cream and scanned the area. After wandering round not too far from where the ice cream stand was, I saw her.

Your POV
I stood waiting for Yoongi to get the ice cream. I was surprised he actually agreed. I wasn't exactly that serious about getting one; I just wanted to see how Yoongi would react and try to have a bit of fun at the same time. I want to get to know him more so that his experience as my bodyguard isn't too unbearable, plus he did interest me with his attitude compared to past bodyguards. I soon got interrupted by the sound of bags hitting the concrete floor. I turned to see a lady had dropped her shopping bags, some clothes and food scattered on the floor. Without hesitation, I went to help the poor woman out.

"Thank you darling, you're so kind." She said with a smile on her face as I finished sorting her bags and she made her way to the carpark. I was about to go back to Yoongi, who would have kittens if he realised I left his side, when in the corner of my eye, I caught something, or someone, who gave me a sense of uneasiness. I looked closer at the other side of the street, the darkness that was settling in for the evening and the crowd of people not helping me one bit, until I saw him.

It's really my stalker, standing there glaring at me menacingly like he always did. He even had that same hoodie on again.
With realisation of his presence, I found myself not being able to move or remove my eyes from him. I only broke my gaze when I felt a touch on my shoulder, causing me to jolt and grab the hand harshly, before realising it belonged to Yoongi.

"What the hell are you playing at?! What part of 'stay by my side' do you not understand?" I was truthfully too scared to be annoyed at his lectures and instead, I turned to him and pointed behind me.
"He's there, Yoongi. He's across the street staring at me again." I practically whispered to him. He quickly replaced his look of annoyance with seriousness, as he scanned the opposite street.
"I don't see him. Are you sure it was him?" His words shocked me, as I turned to where I saw him. He's not there anymore. He must have ran away. Or...did I imagine it? I read online that stalkers are quite dangerous, not that I didn't already know that, but they also can make you feel extremely anxious and could also lead to you believing they're watching you at all times to scare you. In this case, it was certainly working for them.
"I'm sure I saw him, he was right there! Yoongi, let's go, please?" I didn't wish to stay here for another second.

I spent the entire ride home going through my racing thoughts.
He might not have been there. But I couldn't have just imagined him, right? Why would I?! Just because he scares me a bit doesn't mean he'll suddenly be in my mind like that. Then again, in a way, it's better to think it was just my imagination than it actually being him. This whole time, I have   clung to the hope that the stalker would've thought over what he did, or tried to do, at our last encounter but the more I thought over that, the less it seemed likely to be true. I mean who ever heard of a stalker this serious just one day forgetting the person they were stalking?! I was drawn from my thoughts by Yoongi again.

"You ok?" He bluntly asked. I opened my mouth to say something when he continued.
"Thinking about that stalker? By any chance do you believe you imagined seeing him then because I didn't? I turned and widened my eyes at him in suprise.
"H-how did you-"
"One of the celebrities I protected before. She had a stalker too, although he didn't try to kill her like this case, but she started getting paranoid that he was everywhere she went. It was impossible for that to happen, at least near the end of my job. She told me she swore he followed us back to her hotel. However, the police used information I gave them to capture him and he had been in police captivity for a while. Therefore, she was incorrect. Anyway, the point is, there's no point being paranoid about stuff like that." I intended to take his advice properly, as I listened to him carefully.
"By the didn't imagine him; I saw him too."
"What? When?" I questioned him.
"When we got in the car. He was hiding behind a tree and saw me looking so he ran behind the buildings. Good choice to make." He said the last part with a slight smirk.
"Thanks for the advice and for dealing with me leaving your side. You are a great bodyguard. I can tell you that already." I smiled at him as he gave me a simple nod. His response was simple and vague, but I could tell he genuinely appreciated my gratitude to him. I'm starting to think that Yoongi is really helpful. If I put in more effort to make his job easier, we may actually be able to get along like this little moment right now, maybe even become friends?

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