Part 4

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Your POV
I was sat on the windowsill in my room going over my schedule for today. Today, I only have another interview about my song and to talk about future projects of mine. They are honestly so boring. The most interesting part of going to these interviews is to see my fans and listen to what they think of me. I love interacting with them. But since this stalker has been lurking about, I wont even be allowed to set foot anywhere near them either. I sighed while my thoughts raced. I suddenly heard Yoongi knock on the door and I told him to enter.

"Hey. Take this." He handed me a small button. I turned it round, eyeing it confusingly to see a pin on the other side.
"What is this, exactly?" I questioned looking up at Yoongi's normal tired expression.
"Just call it your...panic button. Whenever we go out somewhere, you'll attach this to your clothes and if something bad happens and I'm not around to help, just press it and I'll find you. Got it?" He explained quickly.
This isn't exactly necessary. He's already explained to me how important it is to stay with him. Does he think I'm not taking this seriously or something still? I'll wear the button anyway but I want him to know I'm taking his job and advice seriously.

"Uhh...Yoongi I appreciate this, but don't you think this is a little too much? I understand that it's best to stay near you at all times so I don't believe I really need th-" Yoongi then interrupted me.
"God, Miss Y/L/N are you seriously denying my help again? Can't you just accept what I say and do for once?! Just wear the button and make yourself more safe alright?!"
His voice rose at me, causing my eyes to widen in shock and a little bit of fear. I've never seen him this angry before. He literally went from acting unbothered and tired to absolutely furious within a second! What is he even so mad about? All I said was this button wasn't really needed. I was going to wear it anyway, I just wanted to let him know I took his advice properly and I appreciate him.

"Excuse me but I do accept what you say and do, alright?!" I yelled back at him. "All I was trying to say was that I will try to follow your advice properly from now on and so I didn't think it was necessary to have this button, I was still going to wear it! I wanted to ensure you that I'll try to make your job fun and enjoyable. However, it's clearly already just another meaningless job for you! I'm so sorry for making your time here with me so annoying for you already!" I shouted at him, before taking the pin-button and running out of the room, trying my best to ignore his new suprised, shocked look. I ran to the bathroom, locking the door.

How dare he shout at me like that and for what reason? Just because I thought it was unnecessary to go further with my protection than he needed to?! And why the sudden change to anger, like I've been denying his help for years, when he's only been my bodyguard for 3 days! Why do I feel so upset over this? He definitely shocked me and made me mad with his outburst but...why did I feel this sad about it? I tried to push the feelings away as I clipped the button to my clothes and got ready to leave to go to the interview.

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