Chapter one

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Hey guys so this is my first story ever!!! Yay !!! I'm so excited, I really hope you guys like it!!! well here it is... Enjoy!

~Lyric's POV~

I wake up to a loud and annoying beeping coming from my nightstand beside my bed. I bang on the alarm clock a few times to shut it up. My body lacks energy to do even the simple task of opening my eyes. A bang comes from my door telling me to get up. I hear my moms voice from the other side.

"Lyric get up! You'll be late!" She yell to me.

I sit up in bed for a few minutes before I kick of the covers and literally stumble out of bed. Mondays are the worst, I've never been a morning person, but I'm glad that this is the last week of school. Grade 11 down just one grade to go.

I make my way to the bathroom and take a quick shower. The hot water wakes me up a little, but not fully seeing as I have yet to get my coffee in my system.
Once I am finished getting ready for school, I head downstairs.

In the kitchen I find my mom sitting at the table and my dad fixing up a cup of coffee. I lean against the island in the middle of the kitchen and pick up a muffin.

"Morning baby girl." My dad says placing a cup of coffee in front of me. I smile as he kisses the top of me head.
I love how my dad makes my coffee. Actually, he makes my coffee like he makes his. I take a sip of the warm brown liquid, instantly it warms up my body. Mmmmm, just the way I like it.

I hear the front door open and my best friend Emma enters into the kitchen. Me and Emma have been friends since we were 4. Back then she was shorter than me but now she towers over me by 3 inches, she had brown eyes and light brown hair but now her eyes have turned hazel and she died her hair a dark purple. It's funny because she really likes to dye her hair, she's even thinking about dying it blue next time.

"Hey people!" She says grabbing the jug of orange juice out of the fridge.

"Hey Emma." I reply, along with my mom and dad telling her 'Good morning'.

My parents leave to go to work while me and Emma kill ten minutes until we have to go to school.

"I am so ready for summer," she tells me, grabbing a glass from the cupboard.

"Me too, what are you doing this summer?"

"I'm going to throw a pool party."

"Really, when?" I ask her leaning over the counter. She stares at my family pictures that hang off the fridge. "In a few weeks, you'll help me?
"Of course!" I was excited about the party. Tons of ideas filled my head, honestly I couldn't wait.

I check the time on my phone which read 7:19. "We better get going."

Emma nods and follows me to my car.

Once I take off down the street she shuffles through stations on the radio. I swear sometimes she thinks this is her car, but I don't complain, she has really great taste in music. When we hear the familiar tune, she turned it up the volume and we both sing along.

I drove by all the places we use to hang out getting waisted

I thought about our last kiss how it felt, the way you tasted

Even thought your friends tell me your doing fine

I love how Emma gets all dramatic with every song she hears. I quietly laugh at her though it only causes her to be even more dramatic. I roll my eyes at her silliness as we pull up to our school. We enter into the school and walk straight to our lockers.
I place my hand on the dial as does she. We tend to do this everyday. We race to see who can open their locker first.

"On your marks." She says.
"Get set," I look over at her. She smiles widely and she holds a look of confidence. I can't wait to win, so I can wipe that smile off her face.
"Go!" She yells.
My hands move the dial, I try to remember my combination. I twist 3 times to the right stoping at that number 11, then I shoot to the left 2 times landing in number 34. I look over at Emma, she is concentrating hard on her lock, determined to open it before I do. I quickly turn the dial to my last number. 9.

I hear click of the combination being cracked and the locker swings open. I watch as Emma shouts in joy, she beat me and trust me she won't leave me alone about it. My locker finally open and I gather up my books for today.

"Haha I win!" She tells me.

I roll my eyes at her, "what ever I just-"

"Lost," she cuts me off, " you just lost."

She continues to tease me while I gather my books. I accidentally lose my grips not he books and I watch as they fall on the floor. I sighed and lent down to puck them up.

"Let me help you." A beautiful deep voice said. Suddenly, hands were right in front of me gathering up my books and paper. My gaze traveled up to the most amazing guy ever. Justin.

I was speechless. Justin was in my English class, he sits in front of me and I alway, always daydream about him. I guess you can say I have a little crush on him. The way his green eyes meet mine, how his dark brown hair was always...perfect. He was perfect, but he was a jock and I was a loser why was he helping me?

After gathering all my materials off the floor we stood back up to come face to face with Justin.

"Here you go." He hands me my books showing off his white smile that shined brighter than the sun.

"Thank you for helping me pick up my floor off my books." I stuttered." I mean books, thank you for helping me pick up my books."

He smiles at me. " No problem Lyric." I couldn't believe it, he knows my name and he was talking to me. I swear I thought I forgot how breath for a second.

I just stood the smiling at him like the idiot I was.
He awkwardly stood there with his hands in his pockets. "So...I guess I'll see you in English."

Unable to Speak to the angel before me I nodded. He smiled and I smiled back.

That was a year ago:

Now my life consisted of being trapped inside my own mind with no way out. A year ago I was happy. A year ago I was in love. A year ago I had him. I had him to hold, to cry to, to laugh with and now he was gone.

Your probably wondering what happened. You might think that the jock boy broke the loser girls heart, no. Not at all. They were in love. To find out what happened you just have to continue reading my story. The story of how I hope the the pain will go away. That I could sleep without waking up screaming. That everything will be ok. Maybe it will.

In time.

Boom, cliff hanger on the first chapter. Don't you guys hate cliff hangers, well they're fun if you know what's coming next.
I know right no fair.
So how was the first chapter? Unexpected, exciting, mysterious. Hopefully you guys will keep reading to find out Lyric's story. Oh, and the picture to the side is Lyric, yes it's Bea Miller, yay!!!!!
Please comment, vote, kiss your crush, wish on a star,beat a cheese burger and be happy. Love you!!! :D

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