He Had Good Intentions

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*Brrrrriiiiiing* *Brrrrriiiiiing* "Maka, did you hear?" Liz's voice came through the phone.

"Oh I heard." Maka said, her voice cold.

"Well, what are you gonna do?"

"I'm just waiting. Tsubaki's going and picking the two up and driving Soul over here." 

"Yeah, but what are you gonna do when he gets home?"

"That's none of your business, Liz. I'll see you later, okay?"

"Okay." Liz was not satisfied with the answer and she was somehow going to find out what was going to happen. "Hey, how about we go out to lunch tomorrow?"

"No thanks, Liz. Maybe another time. Talk to you later."

Liz tried to ask more but Maka was not having any of it. She just hung up the phone.

She leaned against the counter her arms crossed. Ever since she got off the phone with Tsubaki, explaining what all had happened, she had her eyebrow raised and her bottom lip sucked in slightly making her mouth smaller. It showed pure anger.

Soul and Black*Star had gone drinking with some of Black*Star's friends, something Maka hadn't approved of originally, and Soul had gotten as drunk as he could possibly be, and apparently he got into a fight with someone, turned his arm into a scythe, and then he and Black*Star drove off. They were both drunk, and in absolutely no condition whatsoever to be driving. They got pulled over, and were taken down to the police station for driving while intoxicated and for getting into that fight earlier.

Soul had come home tipsy before, sometimes a little drunk. Maka was never pleased with it and she had told him every time not to do it again, but he obviously didn't listen.

Maka grabbed a mug and made herself some tea. She heard a car pull up in front of the house. She went to the cupboard and grabbed a tall glass, and she filled it with water.

The door opened and there was Soul with his arm around Tsubaki's shoulders for support.

"Thanks Tsubaki." Maka said, her voice calm with genuine gratitude towards Tsubaki, but still some slight coldness.

Tsubaki led Soul to the couch and he sat down. "See you later, Maka. I've got to get Black*Star home."

Maka waved her goodbye and looked over at Soul, her eyebrow raised, her bottom lip sucked in making her mouth appear smaller.

She handed Soul the glass of water. "Drink this."

Soul grabbed it and chugged it down in a few sips.

"Aren't you gonna yell at me or something?" Soul slurred after taking his last sip.

Maka went over and took the cup from Soul and pointed towards his bedroom. "Bed. Now." she ordered him.

Soul tried standing up, and after a lot of stumbling and knocking things over, he made it to his bedroom.

Maka just sat in the kitchen on a counter sipping her tea. She took a deep breath and let her angered expression fade and she felt a downpour of tears. She finished her tea and went to sit in her reading chair and she grabbed a pillow and just cried into it. After her tears had been put on hold, she grabbed a book and started reading it, hoping to get her mind off of the whole situation.


Soul woke up the next day at noon. He walked out of his bedroom squinting at the very little light coming from the single lamp in the corner of the room.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 30, 2014 ⏰

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