Chapter Three: I Put A Spell On You

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"Are you okay?" You asked Dani. "Uh huh." She replied. "What is this place, Binx?" Max looked down at the black cat. "It's the old Salem Crypt." Binx answered. "It connects to the sewer and up to the street."

"Here, take the book." Allison says, handing the book to Max. You and Allison look around. "Charming." You both say at the same time, slightly laughing. Max looks up and sees some rats. "Oh, don't look up Dani." He warned.

"Don't worry, I won't." She responded. "Relax, I've hunted mice down here for years." Binx pointed out. "Mice?" Dani asked, sounding like she was gonna be sick.

After a bit of walking around, and hoping Binx wouldn't get lost, you finally made it to an exit. "Up the ladder. Come on. Careful." Binx ushered. Max goes first, along with Binx. Once Max makes it up the ladder, he opens the manhole cover enough for Binx, and suddenly sees a bus coming straight towards them.

"Binx, look out!" Max called, and he ducks back into the sewer. Binx can't escape fast enough and gets run over by the bus. "Binx!" Dani yells in fear. Once it was clear, you all quickly climbed up and entered into the street to see Binx's body was flat from being run over. Your eyes widened.

"Oh my god. It's all my fault." Max says, turning away from Binx's body. Dani turns to you, crying, and you embrace her. Allison puts her hand on your shoulder and looks down. "Max, it's not your fault." You tell him. You and Dani look at Binx's lifeless body, when all of a sudden it begins to inflate. "Max!" You say, pulling his attention to Binx. Binx was now back to normal, and alive. "Oh, I hate it when that happens." He said.

Binx looks at everyone's upset and worried faces. "What? I told you I can't die." You smile in relief. Binx then notices Dani's tear stained face. "Dani, you all right?"

Dani smiles. "Yeah." She choked out."Okay then, let's go." Binx proposed.

Now in Salem Common, you all see a police officer sitting on his motorcycle. Nodding at eachother, you all decide to report what's been going on to him. "Officer! Officer!" Dani called out. "Officer, we need your help." Allison pleaded. "What's the problem?" The cop asked.

Dani looked at Max. "Tell him. Go ahead."

"Well, um, well you see...I just moved here. Well you's like this...I...I um...I broke into the old Sanderson house and I brought the witches back from the dead. See I even have the book." Max tells the cop and holds up the spell book. "You lit the black flame candle?" The officer questioned Max. "Yeah." He responds, truthfully.

The cop gets off his bike. "Okay, let's get on the sidewalk." He said. "And he's a virgin." Dani added. The cop says to Max, "Come here."

"Are you a virgin?" The cop quietly asked Max. "Yeah." Max muttered. "Really?!" The cop said, surprise in his voice. "Look, I'll get it tattooed on my forehead, okay?" Max retorted. You snickered before saying, "Officer, this is not a prank."

"Really." Dani added. "Hey! I put my life on the line to protect this community and you punks pull this? Get outta here." The cop asserted. You frowned. "Come on, Dani." You said. "Take that cat with you." The cop added. As the five of you ran off, a blond woman dressed like a hooker comes out of the liquor store.

She walks over to the cop as he gets back on his bike, laughing. "What's so funny Eddie?" She asked. "Ah, just a bunch of kids pulling my chain." Eddie answered. The woman gets on the back of his motorcycle. "They thought I was a real cop." He finished, and they both laugh.

Eventually, you all had made it to Town Hall, where a big Halloween party was going on. You walk inside to see it was completely packed, and loud with music from a live band on stage. "Oh great. How're we ever gonna find Mom and Dad in this place?" Max complained. "We're gonna look for Mom." Dani says, motioning to herself, Allison and Binx. They walk off, leaving you alone with Max.

You take a couple steps, and after only a second, a hand grabs Max from behind him, causing him to jump. He turns to find it was his Dad, dressed in a vampire costume. "Oh, Dad."

"It's not Dad, it's Daduala." His Dad responded. He notices you next to Max. "Oh my goodness, who must this charming young blood-donna be?" Max's Dad attempted to flatter you, as he took your hand and kissed it. You smiled back in response.

"Dad! Something terrible's happened!" Max said, getting back on subject. "Dani? What's wrong?" His Dad assumed.  "No, Dani's fine." Max reassured. "Good." His Dad responded. "Excuse me." He said to you. You nodded as he pulled Max off to the side, leaving you standing by yourself.

You observe your surroundings and watch the entrance when, you notice familiar hairstyles walking inside. You tried to get a better look, but before you could see around the crowd, the three people were already gone. All of a sudden, Dani, Allison, and BInx come back over and the family starts arguing about if Max and Dani were telling the truth.

"Max!! Max! They're here! They're here!" You hear Dani yell in the midst of the arguing.

"Nobody's here, sweetie." Their Mom told Dani. Max holds the spell book out to you. "Here. Hold this."

You take the spell book and Max starts walking away. "Where are you going?" You asked him. He doesn't respond, and ignores his Dad yelling for him.

You look to see Max now up on the stage and he motions for the band to cut the music, stealing the microphone from the singer. "Hey man, cut the music. Cut the music!"

"Hey man, I'm in the middle of a song." The singer replied, a little upset. "It's an emergency, only for a minute." Max said. The music stops playing finally. "Will everybody listen up please?" Max says into the microphone.

"No, he's just getting everybody worked up." His Dad said, arguing with his wife. "Listen to him, he's fine!" Dani says to her parents. "Your kids are in danger." Max stated. "What do you mean?" Someone in the audience called out. "Three hundred years ago the Sanderson sisters bewitched people, and now they've returned from their grave." Max answered. The crowd erupts into laughter.

"Hey man, I'm serious! It's not a joke!" Max pleads. "All right, this has gone far enough." Max's Dad said, and with that he starts walking towards the stage. "I know this sounds dumb. But they're here tonight. They're right over there!" Max said, pointing out the sisters in the crowd. A spotlight immediately lands on the sisters. "Whoa!" Max's dad stops and looks. The crowd seems a bit worried.

Winifred speaks up. "Thank you, Max, for that marvelous introduction." The crowd relaxes. "I put a spell on you, and now your mine. You can't stop the things I do...I like." Winifred begins singing, moving closer to the stage.

"No! No! Don't listen to them!" Dani cries out, with her hands over her ears. " 300 years, right down to the day. Now the witch is back, and there's hell to pay. I put a spell on you..."

The singer takes the microphone from Max. "Good joke. Happy Halloween!"

"No man, I'm serious!" Max persuades, but fails. "Yeah, right." The singer replies. He goes over to the band as they start to play again for the Sanderson sisters. "And now you're miiiine!" Winifred then walks up on the stage, Mary and Sarah follow her onstage and become her back-up singers.

"Hello Salem! My name's Winifred, what's yours?"

"I put a spell on you..." She continues singing. "Binx, where are you?" Dani asked, looking around frantically. Max comes running back towards you. "Mom, Dad, thank god." Max says in relief. "Hey, Max, great show." His Dad compliments. "Cover your ears!" Dani and Max say simultaneously. You, Dani, Max, and Allison have your hands over your ears. Binx shows back up.

Suddenly Billy comes up behind Max's parents, and you all run for it. "Oh, I wish we had the camera." Their Mom says, as Billy passes them and comes after the five of you.

Winifred finishes her song by saying some magic words, which the crowd repeats. "Dance! Dance until you die!" Winnie curses all the people in the room as you finally escape with Billy chasing after you. The crowd starts dancing as the sisters leave.

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