Chapter Four: A Prison For Children

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As everyone continues running from the sisters and Billy, you finally make it to an alley way to hide. Binx keeps up as Dani ushers him along.

Max kicks over some trash cans in frustration. "That's really bad!" He exclaims, although he's almost muffled from the loud sound of the trash cans. "Max, come on! Calm down." You say, trying to soothe him. "Look, I want you two to take Dani back to your house and don't let her out of your sight!" Max said, looking back and forth from you and Allison.

"Max, I'm not leaving you." Dani replied. Suddenly a door opens, and everyone quickly ducks for cover. A cook comes through the door to grab a lobster from the tank. "Okay guys, who's going for the jacuzzi." He says, looking down at the lobsters. He picks one up. "Yeah, Angelo, you're bad." He finally goes back inside. Everyone stands back up.

"Uh oh!" Binx mutters, you look over to see the sisters coming into the alley. "Get down!" Max grabs your arm and pulls you back down, but he catches you a bit off guard and you lose your footing. You practically fell on Max, knocking him over, so that you were on top. You blushed and tried to move, but he put his finger over his lips, shushing you.

As everyone stays hidden, the sisters come walking further down the alley. "I smell...." Mary trails off as she takes a few whiffs of the air. "Yes?" Winnifred asked, waiting for her to continue. "I smell...scrud." Mary answers, but receives a confused look form Winnie. "Scrud. You know, it's a bottom dweller. You cook it sometimes with a little bit of bread crumbs, little bit of margarine, or oil, olive oil's..." Mary rambled, but Winifred grabs her arm and pulls her out of the alley. Sarah stays behind, inspecting the boxes.

"Sarah!" Winifred yells, and Sarah quickly follows after her sisters. They're finally gone and you quickly got off of Max, helping him up with a light blush. As Allison stands up, she uses an oven to regain her balance. The oven door falls open, and Allison looks at it, then over at you with a smile. "I have an idea."

The sisters are drawn to the High School. "What is this place?" Sarah asked. "It reeks of children." Mary pointed out. "It is a prison for children." Winifred answered Sarah's question.

They go inside the school, and hear Max's voice come through the intercom. "Welcome to High School Hell. I'm your host Boris Karloff, Jr." Max gives an evil laugh.

"It's time to meet our three contestants. Sarah, Mary, and Winifred Sanderson. Read any good spell books lately?" Your voice boomed through the halls as you took over the microphone. The sisters then see Binx sitting in the middle of the hall. "Get him!" The three of them link arms and walk at the same pace.

They go after Binx, but they pause when they hear a woman's voice coming from another room. "Hello, welcome to the Library. Bon jour...."

They head towards the direction of the voice and finally find their way right outside of the kiln. The kiln is basically a giant oven that art students use to fire their pottery. After a second, they figure out that the woman's voice is coming from inside the kiln, so they walk inside, only to find a boom box. They're unaware that it is only a recording and not a real person speaking through it.

"Hello?" "Yes?" They ask they boom box.

Allison quickly shuts the door behind them, locking them in the kiln. The witches yell as they were outsmarted, when Allison presses a button, turning on the kiln. "Hot, hot!" Winifred exclaims as it starts to heat up. Everyone watches as they panic inside of the hot oven.

You, Max, Allison, Dani, and Binx celebrate outside of the school. "Farewell Winifred Sanderson! Burn! Burn!" Max yells and everyone laughs. "We did it Binx, we stopped them." You said. Binx jumped up into a nearby tree. "I've wanted to do that for three hundred years." Binx simply states. "Since they took Emily."

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