Calm Your Heartbeat

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Evie's POV
My jaw dropped at his words. "Harry!" "Wha'?! Do ye expected me teh believe tha' I didn't make a mistake? Tha' if I had left 'er alone she would've ended up the same way?!" He shouted. I glare at him, as I say the next part Slowly. "You remember how she was before you two became close right?" He nods, glaring back at me.

"She was shy, timid, and didn't want people mad at her." I pause. "Had you been roomed with someone else, or put somewhere else do you know what could've happened had you not been there to protect her? Because a person can only go so long before they simply can't run on such amount of hours of sleep." His eyes narrowed, he wasn't sure where this was going.

"She could've been raped... Harry." His eyes widen. His mouth opens and closes several times. "If it weren't for you, she would've been in Hades' clutches a lot faster. If it weren't for you... she would be dead, right now. So before you go and say that she'd be better off without you, think about all the things that could've happened had you not been there to protect her."

"So don't you think for a single second, that she would be even remotely fine without you." With that I walk out.

Harry's POV
She could've been raped... Harry. "She could have.... oh geez..." I grip my hair harder. I turn to her sleeping form, and I stare at all the monitors that were sorta keeping her alive and telling us how she was doing.

"... please Princess.... wake up soon..." I sigh, and get up to leave. I take one last glance at her before I head to my next class, suddenly I begin to feel dizzy. I stand leaning on the doorway. "Harry? Are you okay?" The voice is muffled. "Harry!" Everything goes black.


I wake up to bright lights and a white room. "Wh-Wha'? Wh-where am I?"  "You're in the hospital." My eyes shoot wide open. "Wha? Why?" "You passed out." I look over and see Mal, Ben, Evie, Doug, Jane, Carlos, Uma, and Gil.

"Uma? Gil? Wha?" "I'm... so sorry Harry.... I didn't mean to make you spell her...." I slowly sit up. "Eht's not her fault, ye were under the control of Hades, had I realized eht sooner... we wouldn't be in this position." Her jaw dropped and she looks helplessly at everyone else. Gil spoke up. "You're... blaming yourself?" "Well, yeah...?"

"You have to stop this Harry, she wouldn't—" "She wouldn't care." It stays silent. "Harry... you know that's not true." "Do I? Because fer all I know she 'ates me an' doesn't even want me around." Jane lets out a noise of frustration and she stomps over to me and grips my shoulders.

"I'm going to say this once. But never ever in my life have I ever seen (Yn), look so happy and relaxed than she did around you. Even while she was spelled, I could look in her eyes and see that deep down, everything she was every saying. She meant. Every. Single. Word. So don't tell yourself that she hates you because I can guarantee that she doesn't."

I don't respond and I look down. She releases my shoulders and walks back to the others. "I think I figured out when I started teh fall fer 'er...." "Really? When?" Evie asked. ".... the Fencin' Tournament...."

Evie awed and I turned slightly red. "So do you think it maybe started when you saw her wearing your stuff?" Jay asked with a smirk. My face turned darker. "M-maybe?" Mal, laughs through an awe. "Aren't you just the cutest when you're smitten."

I roll my eyes, my face refusing not to get warmer. "I'm not cute I'm dangerous." Carlos and Jay bust out laughing and I send them a glare. "Sh-Shut up." Its silent until my eyes widen and I start to get out of the hospital bed. All of them rushing to push me back down. "Whoa! Harry where do you think you're going."

"I have teh make sure (Yn)'s okay, I can't let Parker get to 'er." Evie's phone rings and she picks it up, walking out of the room. I watch through the window. Her hand goes over her mouth, and her eyes widen. She nods her head and hangs up the phone. From the look on her face it wasn't good news.

Please.... please don't tell me... "They're rushing (Yn) here.... her heart rate was accelerating rapidly, and nearly flatlined..." my eyes widen, and I gripped the bed hard. "Wh-when she gets 'ere.... c-can I Please see 'er?" Evie nods. Oh gosh...


"She's here." I nod, and stand up. I got into my regular clothes awhile ago. "C023." I nod again walk to the room. I pause in front of the door. I take a deep breath, and open the door, the monitors seemed at a regular pace, but soon began to get faster again. My eyes widen, and I rush over quickly.

"Loving and fighting
Accusing, uniting
I can't imagine a world with you gone
The joy and the chaos, the demons we're made of
I'd be so lost if you left me

Laying there in that hospital room
The monitors race when I walk through
I pull you in to calm your heartbeat
Can you hear me screaming "please don't leave me"." I carefully sit on the hospital bed without messing with all the wires, and carefully pull her on my lap, and the monitors start to regulate. It's working... it's... working?

"Hold on, I still want you
Come back, I still need you
Let me take your hand, I'll make it right
I swear to love you all my life
Hold on, I still need you

Crying through an endless night, you're silent beside me
Livin' a nightmare I can't escape from
Helplessly praying, the light isn't fadin'
Hiding in the shock and the chill in my bones

They took you away on a table
I pace back and forth as you lay still
I pull you in to feel your heartbeat
Can you hear me screaming, "please don't leave me"

Hold on, I still want you
Come back, I still need you
Let me take your hand, I'll make it right
I swear to love you all my life
Hold on, I still need you

I don't wanna let go
I know I'm not that strong
I just wanna hear you
Saying baby, let's go home
Let's go home
Yeah, I just wanna take you home

Hold on, I still want you
Come back, I still need you."  Gently, I ran my fingers through her hair, as tears silently fell from my eyes. The door opens and I look up, gently I place her down and get off the bed. I glared

"Wha' are ye doin' 'ere.... Parker." "I'm here, to make sure that you don't get in my way ever again." With that he pulls out a dagger from his pocket.

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