Bloopers Pt. 4

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Chapter - Sick Day Pt. 1

"I'm fine lass." I start to stand up but she pushes me down. "Get more rest, you've had several nights without sleep, your body is too tired to fight any viruses." She walks away and gathers her things. "Thank you for organizing my stuff, and putting me in bed after I fell asleep last night." "Anytime lass." She smiles, and I end up staring at her again. She looks at me, and her smile falters. "You must be really sick, you keep staring at me." "Ye look cute tehday lass." Her eyes widen. "Excuse me? What do you mean I look cute TODAY? I look cute everyday snitch!"

I face palmed. "Really lass?" "What? Saying that I look cute today implies that everyone other day I look like a walking trash bag." I stand up. "Love, listen." "Oh no I'm mad at you." She turns away from me. I groan in annoyance. "Eht's in the script, please don't be mad at me Love. I don't like eht when yer mad at me...." she stays turned away. I walk up behind her and hug her.

"Love, eht was just a line. Ye look absolutely gorgeous everyday. Ye always look amazing, eht was just a line in the script.... please don't be mad at me." I place my chin on her shoulder and she turns to look at me. "Ugh.... I hate how you can be sexy one minute and then be like the cutest little puppy dog on planet earth." I smile at her. "Okay... I believe you. Thank you Harry." "Anytime, Love."

Chapter - Sick Day Pt. 2

(Yn) looks up at me with worried eyes. "I'm fine." I cough out. She opens her mouth, but I move my face close to hers causing her to shut up. "Lass, I'm okay. As soon as we're done eatin' we can head back teh the dorm okay?" She stares into my eyes. Ohhh don't do that. Screw it, we can redo the scene. I lean down and kiss her. She lets out a sound of surprise and Evie squeals happily. I pull back, and rest my forehead on hers.

"Sorry.... I couldn't help eht." She smiles shyly. "Its Okay.... But next time, you can't kiss me." "No promises, but I'll try." "That's all I can ask."

Chapter - Sick Day Pt. 2

Evie's POV
Jane, Carlos and I had to be quiet. We didn't want to get caught. We are heading Harry's and (Yn)'s dorm. We get to the door, and I shush them trying not to giggle myself. I quietly open the door, we look to Harry's bed and I resist a squeak, as does Jane. Carlos just smirks. Harry was flat on his back, left arm wrapped around (Yn). (Yn)'s left leg crossed over Harry's left leg, her left arm and her head were resting on Harry's chest. "Get out of me room befer I hook ye." I bust out laughing.

"Oh come on!" Harry giggles, and we walk out to start the scene again. "Harry's a turd." "I heard that!"

Chapter - Recovering

I scoff. "Of course not. That's insane. I'm just tired, that's all." "Good. We don't need you compromising the mission." I nod my head. "It's almost too late for that!" (Yn) yells from off set. "Technically I don't start fallin' fer ye until the Fencin' Tournament." "Boi, you and I both know you fell in love with me as soon as I walked on set." My face burns red. I don't respond.

Chapter - Girl Talk

Harry's POV
She's been on that's walk for three hours, I was slightly concerned. I had begun to pace the floor. The door opens. I look up and her classic teal dress gives her away. "Lass! There ye are do ye have—" I look at her face. Her nose is red, her eyes are slightly puffy. "Lass? Are ye okay? Have ye been cryin'? Talk teh me?" She looks up at me and her eyes start to water again. I look at her, and my own eyes start to water. "No, ah come on..." I turn away from her. "Aweee Harry... are you crying because I am?" "No...." She laughs through her next 'awe'. "Aweee, Harry that's okay.... I'm fine I'm just acting." "I know but ye looked so sad, and I hate seein' ye sad even if eht is actin'."

"Okay... let's try again.... I'll try not teh cry again...."

That's part four! 😁

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