Bob Ross and Nightmares

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This is stupid. Max thought as he walked up to the counselors cabin, Mr honeynuts in his hand. He knocked, once, than twice. This was a dumb idea. As he was about to leave the door opened.

"Max, what are you doing up this late," a tired voice spoke. Max turned around to see Gwen, she was in her pajamas, a baggy shirt and sweatpants. "I- uhh is David here?" He asked.

"No, David went into town with Quarter Master. What do you need?" Max tensed up. "Its not important, nevermind." Max was about to walked away before gwen stopped him. "It must be important because you were looking for David." Gwen put emphasis on David.

There was few seconds of silence before gwen spoke up. "Do you wanna come inside?" Max sighed. "Fine."

They walked inside. Max sat on Gwen's bed. "Soooo, why are you up?" Max Hugged Mr. Honey nuts. "I had a nightmare." He said it so quietly that Gwen could barely hear him. "Max I can't hear you." "I had a nightmare." He said louder and quickly.

"Oh, what was it about, I mean you dont have to tell me." Max sighed. "It was about s-spacekid's stupid fucking story." Gwen looked surprised, she sat next to Max. "What happened in the dream?" Max hugged his bear tighter. "I dont wanna talk about it." Gwen nodded.

"Well instead, you wanna watch a movie?" Max sighed, "Yeah alright."

Gwen looked at her CD collection. "No, no, no, Oh God no, no, Oh here!" She pulled out a Bob Ross disc. "Why the hell are we watching that? I thought you would have put on a horror movie?" Max asked as he jumped of the bed. "Well, I dont want you to have another nightmare, and plus what's wrong with Bob Ross?" "Who the hell is he?" Max asked.

Gwen was confused. "You've never heard of Bob Ross?" Max shook his head, "Why would I? He sounds lame anyways."

"Well I could just send you back to your tent." Gwen threatened. "Fine, let's watch it."

Max sat next to gwen on the couch. He was getting tired the longer they watched. Max leaned on Gwen's arm and fell asleep.

Gwen felt a weight against her arm, she saw a sleeping max. She smiled down at him. "Good night ya little shit." She said before falling asleep herself.

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