"All I've got is a photograph, but it's not enough."
Mis fotografías favoritas de la banda con comentarios random y chistes (muy) malos.
INICIO DE PUBLICACIÓN: 3 de Septiembre de 2019.
FIN DE PUBLICACIÓN: 3 de Julio de 2022.
Hello America!! Well I'm takin' me a trip I'm going down to California Yeah, I'm gonna try Hollywood and San Pedro Bay I'll tell ya what I'm gonna do I'm gonna give my love to you I'm gonna take you where the lights are bright I'm gonna give you my love tonight
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I'm gonna get me a greyhound bus down the motorway I'm gonna spend a little time in Frisco and L.A. But when it gets to twelve o'clock And you feel that you gotta rock You'd better let your hair hang down So we can boogie all over town
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