02 - the one where she meets him

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Taara went on ranting to the waves. "I mean is there not a guy who would simply sit by me hold my hand and make me forget everything when I am with him. I am not asking for a husband.  I am not asking for prince charming, or knight in shining armor.  Just a guy who'd simply be there for me. Look, I don't expect expensive dates, this chai-point tea will do. I don't want flowers or expensive gifts just a little time of his day, every single day. He can take  a break on weekends if he wants. I won't rant like this to him. I just..you understand, right. See you do." She spoke to the waves. "But that dude up there, Mr.God, doesn't. Like, what is wrong with me? Nothing right? Then why was it hard for him up there, to give me a nice friend or boyfriend. No, I am not desperate for a boyfriend.  Fine, I am. Not for getting laid up. No way. For– you know those little things. Holding my hand and smiling at me. Making me smile with almost no effort.  Just someone to be by me!" She sighed.

"Try me!"

Taara's eyes widened.  Did she just hear "try me?" She blinked turning around from where the voice seemed to have come. "You were listening to me?" She questioned the guy who stood behind her.

"You were loud enough for me to listen to you!" He answered and she gaped in response.  How inappropriate a thing for this well dressed, good looking man to do. 

"That's horrible, Mister. It's breaching someone's privacy. " she accused him.

He looked at her amused moving to stand beside where she stood. He crouched down, and sat on the pavement beside her. "When someone sits at the public place talking away loudly,  I really don't think privacy is what they want." He spoke looking at the wide expanse of water." By the way, Hi, I am Aayush."

"I don't talk to strangers." she looked away from his face. He was ticked nice in looks by her. But she was intrigued by his eyes. Were they blue or grey? She hadn't looked for enough time to conclude.

"I am not a stranger.  You know my name now and I know your life story.  You love your mom. You love your dad. You are tired of fighting with your mom and trying to make her understand that you do not want an arranged marriage.  You hate your Boss,  she makes your blood boil. You hate when Juhi is all sugary with you, it's like she is trying to kill you with sweetness. I heard it all and what came after that. " He flashed her a smug smile.

"So, you're waiting for a Nobel Prize? For listening to my personal talk?" She asked him with narrowed eyes.

He chuckled. "Cute!" 

"Excuse me." Taara looked at him offended.  How dare he call her cute when she was being sarcastic?

"Cutting the small talk. Why don't you date me?" He spoke looking at her. Her eyes widened in shock. Did he just say 'Date Me?'


Too straightforward a guy?

What will Taara's reaction be?

What will Taara's reaction be?

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