20 - the one with their first dinner date

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Taara looked at her mobile screen. It was two minutes ago that she had last spoken to him. He was on his way to pick her up. She was standing at the pavement at the crossing. It was roughly a seven hundred meters away from her home. The last thing she wanted was her mom to know that she was going on a date. She had told her mom that she was going out with Ruhi and Siya her college friends. It was a lie. She didn't even know whether the two were in city or not. 

She saw a Volkswagen pull up and caught the sight of Aayush waving at her. She waved back quickly making her way to the passenger seat. He was dressed in a sky blue checkered shirt and black pants. His hair perfectly set in place. Although she was sure even when he woke up, his messy hair would make him look no less handsome. She noticed that he had trimmed his beard. Not bad, she noticed too much when it came to him. "Hi!" She smiled giving his face a long glance. 

"Hey! Ready?" Taara didn't miss the twinkle in his greyish blue eyes. 

She fixed her seatbelt and turned to him. "Yes, my stomach has been cursing you."

He let out a soft chuckle. "For the record, I am on time. Maybe your excitement made you early."

Taara smiled ignoring to look at him, hearing his teasing remark.  She couldn't believe she was there in time doing this. If one and a half month back someone told her she'd be going out on a dinner date with this Mr.Stranger, she would've laugh heartily.

"So?" She tried making conversation.

"For starters, I was under impression that women dress up for the dates." 

Taara giggled. "You expected me to turn up like Cinderella? Lemme guess, you expected me to wear a short dress or gown?" Taara arched her eyebrows amusingly.

"Honestly, maybe." 

She laughed. "Sorry to crush your expectations."

"I actually did not expect. But I did, maybe, you know, foresee you in it."

"Nice way to put the same thing in different words." Taara mocked looking down at her bag in hand. She was tempted to wear that beautiful red dress she had bought in the last summer sale. She hadn't worn it out even once. But then she was sure her mother would know she was certainly not going out for a casual dinner with friends. Secondly, she did want to see if it— what she wore— bothered him. That's why a simple jeggings and a royal blue top it was, for the night.

"Honestly, you look good in anything you wear. Ultimately, its the shine in your eyes and the smile that your lips curve up into that matters."

Taara felt a blush creep up her cheeks. "I am flattered." She gave him a smug smile. Finally. She loved how she didn't enter the nervous zone around him anymore.

"Your face says it all!" He remarked turning sideways to meet her eyes. There it was, butterflies in her stomach. She smiled falling short of the presence of mind to give a reply.

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