12- the one with his 'friend'

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Taara smiled waving as she caught sight of him walking towards her direction. He was looking at her with that evergreen smile. She felt butterflies in her stomach. What was even happening to her? 

"Hey!" She greeted him as he came closer. His hands in his pockets. His grey-blue shirt's sleeves rolled up till the elbow. Charming!

"Let's walk today?" He suggested. Taara thought for a moment and answered with a positive nod. Turning around she began walking ahead with him beside her.

"So, how was your day?" He started the conversation.


"Now that's some good news." He spoke giving her a teasing look.

"Please. It's not that I rant every day about my day at work."

"Taara, that's what you do."

Taara turned to him narrowing her eyes at him. 

"Maybe you woke up with a nice mood." He grinned looking down at the road. Taara ate up her smile. "I wake up every day with a nice mood."

"Really? Maybe the sweet dreams made your morning better. By the way, where did you bury the dead body?" He enquired amusement evident in his tone. 

Taara laughed. "In the backyard of my neighbor's house."

Aayush chuckled. 

"How did you know it was me?" Taara asked looking at him. 

"I don't know many abnormal people you see." He threw a grinning glance her way. Taara rolled her eyes, "Please." 

"I am not kidding. The moment I read the message I knew it should be you."

"Whatever. I am hungry. Wanna grab a bite?" 


"Mc Donald's?" She asked excitedly.

"Are you serious?" 

"It's been a while I haven't eaten a burger. Feels like ages, almost. Now dare you say, you don't like Mc Donald's. "

"Umm, I don't like burgers,  mostly fast food."

"You're missing out on so much." She shook her head in pity.

"Have you ever eaten Grilled Lemon Herb Mediterranean Chicken Salad? Or Avocado Chicken Salad? Or Vegetable salad with roasted chickpeas? "

"And you call me abnormal! I haven't even heard of them." She mocked him.

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