9.2: Lead To Destruction

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...........................................Before it continued on a straight and painful journey, a few big crashes mostly marked me running into some walls of the place. I knew the ride came to an end after my head stopped sticking to the seat. I promised myself I would never use super speed again. Opening my eyes, this message on the screen was the first thing I saw – 'You have arrived at the Xylum.'

Stepping out of the vehicle I ejected my gun. I was scared. There wasn't any backup this time. If what I was about to do went sideways then I'd lose the chance of seeing them again. I wanted to do this. I knew she wasn't my friend, but I just wanted to do it face to face.

The gate was right in front of me. There wasn't any point sneaking in anymore. She always knew I was coming. I shot at least a dozen bullets through chains on the gate. The holes just made it more attractive.

With the two big boulders constructed around my fists, I charged at the gate. It was after knocking the gate down that I realized it was a bad idea. The boulders were dust and my hands hurt. Then I thought pain is good.

I looked around at the empty entrance. The staircase was a little far, but there was no light in the rooms above. It felt strange, the silence after I had just busted in the building. Then looking above I yelled, "Sara!" I didn't know what I was hoping to find.

She didn't respond but the others that were present there did. Constant shifts in the floor and the walls in the dark were followed by charging sound of the Livos.

Two of them were in sight, detaching from the wall. Another's claw had almost found its way to my ankle through the ground. Like a snake, it swerved to the right before it struck my leg. Raising my leg slightly I was able to let the claw pass under my foot. I pushed my feet back to the ground while holding its arm in place. I had my aim on the bots approaching, but I couldn't keep my foot in one place. My stability was compromised.

Extending a blade I raised my hand and swung it below while I took two shots blindly at the others. The claw stopped struggling after it was cut off from its parent.

Assuming the other bots were down I relaxed a little. It turned out that I had missed horribly which gave them the opportunity to advance and restrain both my hands by the wrists.

Right below their grip, on the ground, laid two metal bars. The claws along with my hands were getting attracted to it. I could feel the magnetic pull. My muscles were worn out trying to resist it. After my foot got a strong hold on the bot I climbed over it. Twisting my body to the right I used my foot to break its arm while freeing myself from it.

The other one I cut off with my hand blade. My foot seemed a bit weird, probably because there was yet another tiny blade sticking out through the sole. I hadn't even thought about that.

It wasn't over yet. A hard ring of dust around my waist pulled me to the ground. I hit my head on impact. In the time my eyes could see straight again, more of them approached and strapped my legs too.

That was it. It was so hard to get free. I was so angry, but not at them. That might've been the reason why they didn't try to really hurt me. Being so helpless I resorted to the last option – closing my eyes and scream because that always did something.

My wrist started glowing. Yeah, wouldn't it? The band made known its presence. A small ball of light ejecting out of the band attached to a chain got bigger on its way out. It eventually stopped glowing to make the spikes on it quite visible.

One by one it pierced the heart of every bot that swarmed me, twice. The bursting sounds weren't quite distinguishable. After taking down its last target it returned to my wrist like nothing ever happened.

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