2 - Leaving

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Tord's POV

"No. No. No it can't be possible we hate each other... Well I think we do..." I mumbled to myself "I would rather let myself die if that's the case... Even tho it would be quite painful" I mumbled to myself

I laid back on my bed staring at the ceiling. I let out a sigh and slowly closed my eyes. A few minutes later my throat started to tickle and I know that Tom must be around because I was able to clear my mind from him. I open my eyes and look at my door to see Tom standing there

"Having fun Thomas?" I said

I think he was thinking about something because he literally shook his head

"Huh? Wha?" Tom said confused

I chuckle "Ya having fun staring at me?" I ask

His face seems to turn a bit red "I-I wasn't staring at you" Tom said clearly embarrassed

"Yea riiiggghhht" I said sitting myself up "What do you want anyways?" I ask

"Ehh I was bored" Tom said

"So you desicded to stare at me?" I ask

Tom's face seemed to turn red "No" Tom said clearly embarrassed

"Hehe well, then you can leave now" I said

Tom just signed then left. He kinda sounded disappointed... Why tho..? I just shrugged it off. I let out a sigh

"Welp I guess I was right..." I said to myself

I got up from my bed I went over to the door and closed it. I went over to my closet and took my drawing I was working on this morning then went and placed it on my desk. I went back to my closet and took my crayons, pencils and markers. I went back and sat at my desk I continued on my drawing

(The picture at the top)

I finished the drawing then I heard a knock at my door I groan and lay back in my chair

"Who is it?" I said loud enough for them to hear

"It's Matt" Matt said

"Come in the door's unlocked" I said picking up my things

Matt came in my room. I finished putting my things away then sat on my bed

"So what's up?" I ask

Matt sat down on my bed next to me looking worried

"Hey what's wrong?" I ask

He looks at me and sighed "Well I don't think you're going to like this... But Edd and I are leaving for three days..." Matt said

"Oh it's ok... But what about Tom? I don't think he'd want to be left alone with me" I said

"Edd's talking to him" Matt said

"Oh ok" I said

Tom's POV

"I don't want to stay alone with that Commie!" I said angryly

"Well to bad for you, you're staying with him if you like it or not and if something happens to Tord when we're gone. I will make you regret it" Edd said starting to sound angry

"Why are you guys leaving anyways?" I ask calming myself down

"Uhh Matt and I started um... Dating..." Edd said and scratching his neck nervously

"Well congrats but I still don't want to stay with him and most likely he doesn't either" I said crossing my arms

"Well you don't know. And Matt is talking to him" Edd said

Flowers Are Painful When They Involve You.. | TomTordWhere stories live. Discover now